
Both suggestions worked well!

Updated my driver, changed ports, confirmed, re-booted, and all seems to be working well...for now.  : ).  Hope it does the same next time I hook it up!

Appreciate your time,
Christy KE0CJO

On Sunday, December 7, 2014, Michael Hammel <mikeyjay2046@yahoo.com> wrote:
HI Christy,

I remember having a simlar problem with my Garmin GPS when I first got it and was setting it up.  I called their tech service and he suggested changing ports, that sometimes, for no apparent reason a device will fail to read a port.  So, maybe, changing ports will work for you.  Also, I would try rebooting your PC as well.  

Hope this helps, Good Luck, 
MikeyJay, KM4FWT

On Saturday, December 6, 2014 8:37 PM, Christy Cash <swmngturtle@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi, and thanks for allowing me to join the group.

I have been working on getting my CHIRP installed (and working) for several days now. Tonight, I FINALLY got everything to work, after trudging through many website, emails, and discussions.  I created a couple of channels as a test run and everything read from the radio and wrote to the radio with no problem.  I then went back into the program to start over and I got errors indicating the Port was no good.  I had not removed the cable or changed ports, or done anything differently. When I went into my Devices and Printers folder, there was a yellow warning sign stating there was a problem with the port.  But everything worked fine just seconds before that.  I'm sure I will have more questions, but after getting this far on my own, I'm at a loss, and hope to get some help.
Thank you for your time, 
Christy KEØCJO

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