You'll get a lot of flack for your question, but we've had to defend our privileges a lot lately and unlicensed operators have given hams a bad name in a lot of areas. Operating without a license could get you in a lot of trouble. If you operate on the ham radio bands, hams have been known to track down unlicensed operators and give all of the details to the FCC for prosecution. Fines range up to $10,000 and five years in federal prison (those extremes are unlikely, but do happen) for illegal operation. Getting your Technician license (the one that will allow you to operate the UV-5R on ham frequencies is fairly easy. You can study and take practice exams at this website. Once you get your scores up, you can take the real test at just about any ham club. You can find one close to you here. As for adding police and fire frequencies, the radio you have won't do that in most areas. It's limited to the 2 meter and 70 centimeter ham bands. Those are the 136-174MHz VHF frequencies and 400-520MHz UHF frequencies. Most police and fire departments now operate in the 800Mhz to 900Mhz range. Many of those are encrypted. If you're in an area that still uses the 150Mhz radios, you might be able to listen in (never transmit there, the FCC takes that very seriously), but those are more and more rare. It might be best to get a couple of FRS (Family Radio Service) radios and use those instead. They don't require a license and should work nicely between you and your neighbor. They're also available at most big box stores. Keep in touch, get your license, and enter the wide world of Amateur Radio. Depending on your location, you'll find a lot more people to talk to than your neighbor. Don't let the grumps here scare you off, we're really a nice bunch.
Randy (KE5EOT)
On 4/20/22 12:41 PM, anthony farley wrote:
Hello, so me and my neighbor just got the 2 way baofeng-uv5F radios and we got it to where we can call eachother on a specified channel he preset but i would like to add police frequencies as well. I got the cord, disc program for chirp and have the gist of it down 'i think' lol. Is there anyway i can make a csv file from the frquencies channels i find on the website? Or should i import or query from data source of repeaterbook and is politcial or proximity search better for finding all the channels? 

Also what settings do i need to set my radio to for picking up frequencies? Theres just so many options for each channel/ frequency i pick im just not sure what to do or if theres an easier way to import a csv file of all the frequencies/channels from that site to something like excel and transferring it to chirp? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance! 
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