Re: [chirp_devel] Implementing Banks in CHIRP Driver

I was wondering what "capacity" meant. So, if that's just the count, where is the actual linkage between the bank and the memories? Anyway, the Anytone model I'm working on right now is the same (each mem is limited to one bank, or none):
classAnytoneBankModel(chirp_common.BankModel): """ The Anytone bank model, for the radios that support it, is that a memory channel can only belong to one bank at a time. There are 10 banks (A-J with no alternate names). The mapping is done in a block of bytes that correspond to the 750 memories (one byte per memory). The possible values are 0-9 (A-J) or 15 (x0F) for "off". """ def__init__(self, radio, name="Banks", num_banks=10, num_memories=750): super(AnytoneBankModel,self).__init__(radio,name) self._bank_bounds =range(num_banks) self._mem_bounds =range(1,num_memories +1) self._banks =[ chirp_common.Bank(self,i,string.ascii_uppercase[i]) fori inself._bank_bounds ] defget_num_mappings(self): returnlen(self._banks) defget_mappings(self): returnself._banks defadd_memory_to_mapping(self, memory, bank): self._radio.set_bank(memory.number,bank.get_index()) defremove_memory_from_mapping(self, memory, mapping): self._radio.clr_bank(memory.number) defget_mapping_memories(self, bank): """Returns a list of all memories assigned to the given bank""" memories =[] fori inself._mem_bounds: bank_index =self._radio.get_bank(i) ifbank_index isnotNoneandbank_index ==bank.get_index(): memories.append(self._radio.get_memory(i)) returnmemories defget_memory_mappings(self, memory): bank_index =self._radio.get_bank(memory.number) return[]ifbank_index isNoneelse[self._banks[bank_index]]
BTW, "scrabmler_code" is misspelled.
On 5/24/2023 1:52 PM, Joseph Scanlan wrote:
A memory can not be in more than one bank simultaneously.
A memory need not be in a bank.
Memories are stored sequentially starting from [0]. Each number in banks holds the count of memories in that bank. The count can be 0. So to find the start index of the first memory in a bank we have to sum the sizes of all previous banks.
On May 23, 2023, at 14:06, Craig Jones via wrote:
I just went through that myself. The first two questions: 1. Can one memory belong to multiple banks simultaneously? 2. Does every memory have to belong to at least one bank? The answers determine which base class you use for the bank model.
You need to implement a bank model so that Chirp can inquire, for example, which memories are in bank C?
You also need to implement get_bank(), set_bank(), clear_bank() for a memory (in the radio class), which will be called by the bank model.
Hopefully, that's enough to get you started.
On 5/23/2023 1:47 PM, Joseph Scanlan via chirp_devel wrote:
Does anyone have an example that will help me understand MemoryMapping, MappingModel, Bank, and BankModel classes? I’m working on a driver for the Icom IC-F520 land mobile radio.
The F520 has 256 channels and 16 banks. This is how they look in MEM_FORMAT:
struct { u16 capacity; } banks[16];
struct { char name[10]; u32 inhibit:1, freq_rx:31; u32 inhibit_tx:1, freq_tx:31; u8 rx_tone_off:1, rx_tone_digital:1, unk01:6; u8 rx_tone; u8 tx_tone_off:1, tx_tone_digital:1, unk02:6; u8 tx_tone; u8 unk03:3, tot_on:1, lockout_repeater:1, lockout_busy:1, power_rf:2; u8 log_in:2, log_out:2, unk04:1, text_on:1, unk05:1, two_tone_unk1:1; u8 unk06:4, two_tone_unk2:2 auto_reset_a:1, unk07:1; u8 narrow:1, scrambler_on:1, scrambler_inhibit:1, compander_on:1, unk08:4; u8 unk09; u8 scrabmler_code; u16 unk10; u16 unk11; u8 unk12:6, two_tone_index:2; } memory[256]; _______________________________________________ chirp_devel mailing list Developer docs:
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Craig Jones