[chirp_devel] Testing & Development

I'm a software engineer and amateur radio operator. I found your software when searching for an alternative to the monstrosity that is MCP-2A to program my TM-V71A after using the great VX-7 Commander software for my HT. I was so disappointed with the MCP-2A that I was pleased to an alternative and even more pleased that it works with my VX-7R as well.
I'd like to contribute in my free time, which is admittedly sparse. I was wondering if you're welcoming contributors and if you had any accessible revision control so I can work from the latest and greatest when submitting patches. Even if it's read-only, I'd prefer to work with the latest code. I will be using linux, but will probably try to test any changes on windows before submitting any patches for you to review.
For now, the things I think I'll work on will be:
* Inserting CB/FRS/GMRS frequencies (like vx-7 commander) - This is handy, and while I have it set up for my radios already, it is incomplete. I'd like to add optional lists for the "Privacy Settings" of different manufacturers and have the PL in the list
* "Move up"/"Move down" buttons (like vx-7 commander) - This is good for moving frequencies without having to "copy", "delete (and move up)", "insert", "paste".
* "1-step convert" (read from radio type A, "convert", write to radio type B) - I have two manufacturers of radio, and while chirp handles both, it only handles both somewhat separately. I'd like to be able to maintain 1 file, and just write to both radios.
* Toggle for Kenwood's "live" mode - If I want to "work later", I have to read, export to chirp native, work on that file, re-read, then import. I'd much rather simply read, save to an img, work on that, write. Or, my with the "1-step convert" option, have 1 file that I maintain with my frequencies that I can then easily write to multiple differing radios.
* Special settings for radios - Have a "settings" screen for things specific to each radio that is supported. Things like what are available in VX-7 Commander for software free-banding the radio, setting the current mode, aro, vox, etc.
I have never done any GUI programming but wrote a lot of python 6+ years ago. I'm looking at this to be a learning experience too and will probably be slow to actually get anything done (lack of free time, and unfamiliar code/tasks). Do you have any feedback, advice, opinions on any of the items in my list? Something you would like to see first? Things already done? Things not possible due to some technical reason?
I also imported the last few versions you've released into a git repository and posted it on github.com which I will use as my starting point unless you have some place else I can easily get the source. It can be found at https://github.com/Materdaddy/CHIRP
Thanks/73s Mat WD4DDY

I think dan is using svn but I don't know if it's public anywhere.
On 06/04/2011 9:46 AM, "Mathew Mrosko" chirp@matmrosko.com wrote:
I'm a software engineer and amateur radio operator. I found your software when searching for an alternative to the monstrosity that is MCP-2A to program my TM-V71A after using the great VX-7 Commander software for my HT. I was so disappointed with the MCP-2A that I was pleased to an alternative and even more pleased that it works with my VX-7R as well.
I'd like to contribute in my free time, which is admittedly sparse. I was wondering if you're welcoming contributors and if you had any accessible revision control so I can work from the latest and greatest when submitting patches. Even if it's read-only, I'd prefer to work with the latest code. I will be using linux, but will probably try to test any changes on windows before submitting any patches for you to review.
For now, the things I think I'll work on will be:
* Inserting CB/FRS/GMRS frequencies (like vx-7 commander) - This is handy, and while I have it set up for my radios already, it is incomplete. I'd like to add optional lists for the "Privacy Settings" of different manufacturers and have the PL in the list
* "Move up"/"Move down" buttons (like vx-7 commander) - This is good for moving frequencies without having to "copy", "delete (and move up)", "insert", "paste".
* "1-step convert" (read from radio type A, "convert", write to radio type B) - I have two manufacturers of radio, and while chirp handles both, it only handles both somewhat separately. I'd like to be able to maintain 1 file, and just write to both radios.
* Toggle for Kenwood's "live" mode - If I want to "work later", I have to read, export to chirp native, work on that file, re-read, then import. I'd much rather simply read, save to an img, work on that, write. Or, my with the "1-step convert" option, have 1 file that I maintain with my frequencies that I can then easily write to multiple differing radios.
* Special settings for radios - Have a "settings" screen for things specific to each radio that is supported. Things like what are available in VX-7 Commander for software free-banding the radio, setting the current mode, aro, vox, etc.
I have never done any GUI programming but wrote a lot of python 6+ years ago. I'm looking at this to be a learning experience too and will probably be slow to actually get anything done (lack of free time, and unfamiliar code/tasks). Do you have any feedback, advice, opinions on any of the items in my list? Something you would like to see first? Things already done? Things not possible due to some technical reason?
I also imported the last few versions you've released into a git repository and posted it on github.com which I will use as my starting point unless you have some place else I can easily get the source. It can be found at https://github.com/Materdaddy/CHIRP
Thanks/73s Mat WD4DDY _______________________________________________ chirp_devel mailing list chirp_devel@intrepid.danplanet.com http://intrepid.danplanet.com/mailman/listinfo/chirp_devel

I'd like to contribute in my free time, which is admittedly sparse. I was wondering if you're welcoming contributors
Surely! There are a couple of other people submitting code as well.
and if you had any accessible revision control so I can work from the latest and greatest when submitting patches. Even if it's read-only, I'd prefer to work with the latest code. I will be using linux, but will probably try to test any changes on windows before submitting any patches for you to review.
Yep, mercurial:
- Inserting CB/FRS/GMRS frequencies (like vx-7 commander) - This is
handy, and while I have it set up for my radios already, it is incomplete.
Okay, I just keep a CSV file with those things in it and import it into whatever radio I'm using. However, bundling that with CHIRP and making it a push-button would be fine.
- "Move up"/"Move down" buttons (like vx-7 commander) - This is good
for moving frequencies without having to "copy", "delete (and move up)", "insert", "paste".
Hmm, I can't say that I understand what the purpose would be, but I haven't used the commander software.
- "1-step convert" (read from radio type A, "convert", write to radio
type B) - I have two manufacturers of radio, and while chirp handles both, it only handles both somewhat separately. I'd like to be able to maintain 1 file, and just write to both radios.
Well, (for a clone mode radio) you'll have to download from the destination radio before you can upload back to it. I just keep my common memories in a CSV file and then import them into each radio when I do updates.
With the Yaesu's, so much human intervention would be required for the "1-step" that I'm not sure it'll be worth it. Too bad too, because with the Icoms and Kenwoods it could be rather automatic.
- Toggle for Kenwood's "live" mode - If I want to "work later", I have
to read, export to chirp native, work on that file, re-read, then import. I'd much rather simply read, save to an img, work on that, write. Or, my with the "1-step convert" option, have 1 file that I maintain with my frequencies that I can then easily write to multiple differing radios.
Well, again, for any clone-mode radios, you'll have to have an image before you can merge and upload. The closest thing to an image of a live radio is a CSV (or chirp) file. Perhaps just allowing the *appearance* of being able to upload directly from a CSV file to a live mode radio would suffice, although I think that it would likely confuse people with clone mode radios.
Maybe a subclass of the CSV radio would facilitate the distinction internally so that the UI could handle it appropriately and give the impression that the user can actually have an image of the radio.
- Special settings for radios - Have a "settings" screen for things
specific to each radio that is supported. Things like what are available in VX-7 Commander for software free-banding the radio, setting the current mode, aro, vox, etc.
Rick and I have already done some preliminary work in this area for the VX-7, so we'll have to get busy finishing that up I guess.
I also imported the last few versions you've released into a git repository and posted it on github.com which I will use as my starting point unless you have some place else I can easily get the source. It can be found at https://github.com/Materdaddy/CHIRP
Please do use the mercurial tree as a base for patches. I recommend using mq to manage them before sending. You can send them to this list for review and inclusion.
I look forward to seeing what you come up with. Feel free to ask your python and (of course) CHIRP code questions here.
participants (3)
Dan Smith
Grant Diffey
Mathew Mrosko