Re: [chirp_devel] [chirp_users] Yaesu ft-2900

On Sun, Jul 23, 2017 at 4:15 AM, Jim Unroe wrote:
CHIRP supports the USA version of the FT-2900 (FT-2900R). It does not currently support the FT-2900E (European version) or an FT-2900 that has the MARS modification.
This seems wrong to me. Is there anything different about the versions other than the region code? Looking at the driver, I think not...
Both IDBLOCKs start with \x56\x43\x32\x33\x00\x02. This appears to be the model code. Then the region code follows.
Also, Chirp's generic Yaesu driver puts this model code at the start of the img, but the FT-2900 driver opts to leave it out. This means the driver has to send that pre-defined IDBLOCK at the beginning of every upload, instead of just sending what was in the radio before. This is probably why the MARS modification isn't supported.
If someone with an FT-2900 wants to refactor this, I think a lot of code could be removed by switching to the routines and support more regions/mods in the process.
participants (1)
Tom Hayward