[chirp_devel] Yaesu FTxD drivers... what's next, please?

Thanks, Dan for the pointers. You were pretty quick to add the test to help identify my problem. Yay!
I’ve updated my copy of the CHIRP drivers for Yaesu FT-1, FT2 and FT3. They pass tox tests and seem to work fine. (Yes, yes: I’m probably missing something obvious.)
In the chirp homepage Issues tab, I submitted new bug and feature requests to match what I’ve done (#10628, #10629, the old #6151) and what I hope to do (#7561 and #10630, which refers to #5167.) I refactored my changes into several Git commits, which allowed me to split up the changes into somewhat-manageable chunks. I’ve attached a truncated log (unix text file) of the Git changes. I even think that the Yaesu FTM3200D_R has not broken with the changes (although it may not pass tox driver tests.)
I know that I’ve got to get these drivers to the GitHub somehow, sometime. Do I simply git push my branch up to Github? What’s the proper method? Will it keep note of my commits, or does it come as one big push, or must I push each one separately?
PS. I’ve a few mechanical questions for future work: - Can banks be made to show connections to special memory registers? That might be an ideal way to handle Yaesu’s bank-accessible preset memories, which are not in any memory available to CHIRP. I believe the Yaesu single-digit line (1, 2, 3, 4, and 7) all use these presets. - The file reading/writing is pretty opaque to me. I’d like to add a new type of file (.dat and/or .img) that is pretty much a memory image with a pretended header. (Not replace the present ADMS format .ftXd files.) Is there a reasonable template for adding a filetype?
Thanks. I’m hoping to at least get my changes into some tester hands for these radios.
______ Declan Rieb WD5EQY wd5eqy@arrl.net
participants (2)
David Boucha
Declan Rieb