[chirp_devel] FT-7800 memory banks

I've got an FT-7800, and have figured out how banks are stored. Starting at 0x6c48, there's a 128 byte bitmap for each bank. Byte 17 is set if channel 17 belongs to the bank, etc. There is no flag telling which banks are in use.
Banks are named BANK 1 .. BANK20, but these names are immutable, i.e. they aren't stored in the image, so the user cannot change them. The chirp UI should show them as immutable.
Patch attached for the curious. Dan, once you get back from Dayton, will you want the Yaesu memory bank patches as a single patch or one patch per radio?

Patch attached for the curious. Dan, once you get back from Dayton, will you want the Yaesu memory bank patches as a single patch or one patch per radio?
I'll want to make sure that we've got the interface(s) that we want fairly well baked first, of course. Once we're settled, a patch to fix all the yaesus at once would be fine. I'd like to have the rest of the bank-supporting radios (just Icoms, at this point) converted to the new interface as well before I push it out to the main repository.
Thanks for all your work on this!
participants (2)
Dan Smith
Jon Kåre Hellan