[chirp_devel] Wouxun KG-UV8D

Is anyone else working on this radio?
Having obtained one of these radios, I have started the processes of reverse engineering the protocol to enable Chirp to talk to it.
So far I believe I have worked out the communications protocol: Serial coms are at 19200 baud and the data is passed in variable length records with a checksum.
Record structure: Offset Usage 0 start of record (\x7d) 1 Command (\x80 Identify \x81 End/Reboot \x82 Read \x83 Write) 2 direction (\xff PC-> Radio, \x00 Radio -> PC) 3 length of payload (excluding header/checksum) (n) 4 payload (n bytes) 4+n+1 checksum - byte sum (% 256) of bytes 1 -> 4+n
Memory Read Records: the request payload is 3 bytes, first 2 are offset (big endian), 3rd is number of bytes to read
Memory Write Records: The maximum payload size (from the Wouxun software) seems to be 66 bytes (2 bytes location + 64 bytes data).
I have got as far as getting Chirp to successfully identify the radio.
A Gotcha: the first identify packet returns a bad checksum, subsequent attempts return the correct checksum... (well it does on my radio!)
The ID record returned by the radio also includes the current frequency range as 4 bytes big endian in 10Hz increments
Offset 00:10 Model name (Use 0:6 to get 'KG-UV8D') 11:14 UHF lower limit 1 (in increments of 10Hz) 15:18 UHF upper limit 1 19:22 UHF lower limit 2 23:26 UHF upper limit 2 27:30 VHF lower limit 1 31:34 VHF upper limit 1 35:38 VHF lower limit 2 39:42 VHF upper limit 2 43:46 zeros
Limit 1 = Rx and Limit 2 = Tx (just my guess!)

Is anyone else working on this radio?
I expect the lack of response means "no" :)
So far I believe I have worked out the communications protocol: Serial coms are at 19200 baud and the data is passed in variable length records with a checksum.
Record structure: Offset Usage 0 start of record (\x7d) 1 Command (\x80 Identify \x81 End/Reboot \x82 Read \x83 Write) 2 direction (\xff PC-> Radio, \x00 Radio -> PC) 3 length of payload (excluding header/checksum) (n) 4 payload (n bytes) 4+n+1 checksum - byte sum (% 256) of bytes 1 -> 4+n
This is a very common pattern to many of the other chinese radios, which AFAICT, blatantly copied it from kenwood. You should look at some of the other chinese radio drivers to see if there is one you can easily bolt onto. Many of the models we support are implemented as effective aliases of other models. It may be that your radio is strikingly similar to one of the others and that you just need to implement the differences.
participants (2)
Dan Smith
Ron Wellsted