[chirp_devel] Question regarding issue #4121

the btech-driver (and some others as well) reset the mem.extra-settings, when properties of the channels are edited from the memory-table.
The root-cause seems to be the following: In set_memory, the driver checks whether there are mem.extra-settings, and if they are, it copies them. If the mem.extra-list is empty, resets all the values to the default (which seems to be reasonable for me).
But, obviously he list mem.extra is only populated
- when the memory is edited using the properties-window
- when channels are shifted
and remains empty when using the memories-table for editing general settings.
In my first attempt, I just tried to uncomment the "reset to default" if the list is empty, and it seems to work (lines 1105ff of btech.py). However, is it safe to do so? Or are there any cases where it is necessary to reset the defaults of mem.extra in "set_memory"?
Hmm, yeah, I think that's a bug, and probably pretty confusing to users. However, I expect the intent there was to initialize the settings if you were opening that memory for the first time. So, probably what should happen is:
if extra: set_extra() elif not mem.empty and (mem was empty): initialize_extra()
That last "was empty" part would require looking at the current memory map to see if it looks like a deleted memory.
Jim, does that make sense?
Michael, are you offering to fix up the drivers that behave this way?

Hmm, yeah, I think that's a bug, and probably pretty confusing to users. However, I expect the intent there was to initialize the settings if you were opening that memory for the first time. So, probably what should happen is:
if extra: set_extra() elif not mem.empty and (mem was empty): initialize_extra()
That last "was empty" part would require looking at the current memory map to see if it looks like a deleted memory.
Jim, does that make sense?
Michael, are you offering to fix up the drivers that behave this way?
I'm not 100% certain, but I think this is something that I got from Pavel. It didn't seem to be working as expected for my recent driver work so my "fix" was to leave it out.
What you propose makes sense.

thanks for your hints - in the attached version of btech.py, I tried to implement them. I it's OK from your point of view, I will soft-commit a patch for it (and afterwards try to do the same for the baofeng-common-driver).
It's much easier to read a patch to see what you changed. If you could send that instead it'd be better.
BTW: Should I open a separate issue for each affected driver?
Nah, one for all of them should be fine.
Thanks a lot for working on this!

For the UV-5R, the effect was the same as for the KT-8900R, but the cause was a little bit different: In set_memory, the driver unconditionally sets the whole memory to x00 (using _mem.set_raw("\x00" * 16)), before it applies all the settings from the UI. And in the last step, it applies all available mem.extra-settings. But as mem.extra is non-empty only when editing the mem using properties/other, they are not set most of the time ...
(Just removing the unconditional reset of the whole memory does not work, it causes get_memory to fail when trying to edit a previously deleted memory.)
So I soft-commited a different solution for this driver (memorize the values of mem.extra before erasing the memory, and restore them afterwards. (see http://intrepid.danplanet.com/pipermail/chirp_devel/2016-October/004321.html )
73, Michael (OE4AMW)

Investigating #4121 for the UV-5R showed me that there are different causes for this issue, and it would be quite hard for me to find them by reading the sources, so I manually tested all img-files that are available on the repo, with following result:
Alinco DJ175: resets mem.extra after edit of regular settings Alinco DJ596: resets mem.extra after edit of regular settings Alinco DR235T: resets on edit AnyTone OBLTR-8R: no reset of mem.extra, but mem.extra also persitent after deleting/editing memory AnyTone TERMN-8R: no reset of mem.extra, but mem.extra also persitent after deleting/editing memory Baofeng_BF-888: OK Baofeng_F-11: resets mem.extra after edit of regular settings Baofeng_UV-3R: no mem.extra Baofeng_UV-5R: (before my changes) resets mem.extra after edit of regular settings Baofeng_UV-6R: resets mem.extra after edit of regular settings Baofeng_UV-B5: OK Baojie_BJ-9900: no mem.extra BTECH_GMRS-V1: resets mem.extra after edit of regular settings BTECH_UV-2501+220: OK BTECH_UV-5001: OK BTECH_UV-50X3: resets mem.extra after edit of regular settings BTECH_UV-5X3: resets mem.extra after edit of regular settings Feidaxin_FD-268A: editing mem.extra does not work (ERROR: Exception running RadioJob: 'Busy' in logs) Feidaxin_FD-268B: editing mem.extra does not work (ERROR: Exception running RadioJob: 'Busy' in logs) Feidaxin_FD-288B: editing mem.extra does not work (ERROR: Exception running RadioJob: 'Busy' in logs) Icom_IC-208H: no mem.extra Icom_IC-2100H: resets mem.extra after edit of regular settings Icom_IC-2200H: no mem.extra Icom_IC-2720H: no mem.extra Icom_IC-2820H: no mem.extra Icom_IC-Q7A: no mem.extra Icom_IC-T70: no mem.extra Icom_IC-T7H: no mem.extra Icom_IC-T8A: properties-window does not open (with error in the logfiles) Icom_IC-V82_U82: no mem.extra Icom_IC-W32A: no mem.extra Icom_IC-W32E: no mem.extra Icom_ID-31A: no mem.extra Icom_ID-51: no mem.extra Icom_ID-51_Plus: no mem.extra Icom_ID-800H_v2: no mem.extra Icom_ID-880H: no mem.extra Jetstream_JT220M: resets mem.extra after edit of regular settings Jetstream_JT270M: OK Kenwood_TH-D72_clone_mode: no mem.extra Kenwood_TK-272G: OK Kenwood_TK-760G: OK Kenwood_TK-8102: no reset of mem.extra, but mem.extra also persitent after deleting/editing memory KYD_IP-620: no reset of mem.extra, but after delete of a memory, property-window does not open anymore (with error in the logfiles) Leixen_VV-898: OK Leixen_VV-898S: OK LUITON_LT-725UV: resets mem.extra after edit of regular settings Polmar_DB-50M: no mem.extra Puxing_PX-2R: no mem.extra Puxing_PX-777: no mem.extra Puxing_PX-888K: OK Retevis_RT21: resets mem.extra after edit of regular settings TYT_TH-7800: resets mem.extra after edit of regular settings TYT_TH9000_144: no mem.extra TYT_TH-9800: OK TYT_TH-UV3R-25: no reset of mem.extra, but mem.extra also persitent after deleting/editing memory TYT_TH-UV3R: OK TYT_TH-UVF1: Ok Vertex_Standard_VXA-700: no mem.extra. BUT all Settings survive delete of a memory WACCOM_MINI-8900: OK Wouxun_KG-816: OK Wouxun_KG-818: mem.extra can't be edited (OK-Button greyed out) Wouxun_KG-UV6: OK Wouxun_KG-UV8D: no mem.extra Wouxun_KG-UVD1P: OK Yaesu_FT-1802M: no reset of mem.extra, but several settings survive delete of a memory Yaesu_FT-1D_R: no mem.extra. But some settings (power, mode) survive delete of a memory Yaesu_FT-2800M: no mem.extra. But some settings (power, mode) survive delete of a memory Yaesu_FT-2900R_1900R: no mem.extra. But some settings (power, mode) survive delete of a memory Yaesu_FT-50: no mem.extra. But some settings (power, mode) survive delete of a memory Yaesu_FT-60: no mem.extra. But some settings (power, mode) survive delete of a memory Yaesu_FT-7800_7900: no mem.extra. But some settings (power, mode) survive delete of a memory Yaesu_FT-817: some settings (power, mode, extra) survive delete of a memory Yaesu_FT-817ND: some settings (power, mode, extra) survive delete of a memory Yaesu_FT-817ND_US: some settings (power, mode, extra) survive delete of a memory Yaesu_FT-857_897:some settings (power, mode, extra) survive delete of a memory Yaesu_FT-857_897_US:some settings (power, mode, extra) survive delete of a memory Yaesu_FT-8800: no mem.extra, but some settings (power, mode) survive delete of a memory Yaesu_FT-8900: no mem.extra, but some settings (power, mode) survive delete of a memory Yaesu_FTM-350: no mem.extra, but some settings (power, mode) survive delete (others don't) Yaesu_VX-2: no mem.extra, but some settings (power, mode) survive delete of a memory Yaesu_VX-3: no mem.extra, but some settings (power, mode) survive delete of a memory Yaesu_VX-5: no mem.extra, but some settings (power, mode) survive delete of a memory Yaesu_VX-6: no mem.extra, but some settings (power, mode) survive delete of a memory Yaesu_VX-7: no mem.extra, but some settings (power, mode) survive delete of a memory Yaesu_VX-8_R: no mem.extra, but some settings (power, mode) survive delete of a memory
So, (besides some other bugs that are not related to this issue) this shows following: - there is no common agreement among the driver-developers on how to handle deleted memories (reset all settings to default, preserve all settings, preserve some ...) - there are many drivers that are affected from this bug, so obviously many developers thought that if a mem.extra is defined, it is supplied always (and not only when using the properties-menu)
For the first point I have no idea - for me personally it seems logic to reset a memory to it's defaults (i.e. all settings) when it's deleted. For the second one, I wonder if it would be possible to just add all the mem.extra-settings as additional columns of the memory-table. That way, the mem.extra would never be empty, and most drivers affected from #4121 would work "out of the box". (And, for me it also seems to be more intuitive to see all properties of a memory on the same screen - but that is again my personal opinion). Do you think this is possible? Or would this cause other drawbacks?
73, Michael

Hi Michael,
Thanks for checking this trouble qith the issue #4121, I will check the ones relted with the Feidaxin radios as I'm the maintainer.
I'm now away from home by work, this weekend I will check that and will keep you informed about any advance.
El 24/10/16 a las 02:43, Michael Wagner via chirp_devel escribió:
Feidaxin_FD-268A: editing mem.extra does not work (ERROR: Exception running RadioJob: 'Busy' in logs) Feidaxin_FD-268B: editing mem.extra does not work (ERROR: Exception running RadioJob: 'Busy' in logs) Feidaxin_FD-288B: editing mem.extra does not work (ERROR: Exception running RadioJob: 'Busy' in logs)
participants (4)
Dan Smith
Jim Unroe
Michael Wagner
Pavel Milanes Costa