[chirp_devel] RESOLVED Newbie to this, trouble with edits I think...

I figured this out!
During the processing of the special data_mode element in mem.extra, I was not testing to determine if the mode was moving between DIG and Non-DIG modes.
The MEM.EXTRA data_mode processing when moving from a previous DIG mode going to a NON DIG mode always reset the _mode and _mode2 memories, which forced the mode column back to DIG.
Now when I get a change to MODE, if it is non-DIG, I set the data_mode extra element to "N/A"
When I get a DATA MODE change from N/A to any DIG mode, and the previous data_mode was "N/A", I force the mode to DIG
In addition to solving my GUI entry problem, this way you never get an invalid combo of MODE and DATA MODE.
What a pain! I've learned way to much more that I ever wanted to about how this stuff hangs together.
Thanks for listening.

Great stuff! Have you run the tox test code on the new mods yet? When I tried enabling digital modes using the Yaesu names in Valid_Modes I got in-valid mode errors.
On 10/28/2023 6:28 PM, wcurlew--- via chirp_devel wrote:
I figured this out!
During the processing of the special data_mode element in mem.extra, I was not testing to determine if the mode was moving between DIG and Non-DIG modes.
The MEM.EXTRA data_mode processing when moving from a previous DIG mode going to a NON DIG mode always reset the _mode and _mode2 memories, which forced the mode column back to DIG.
Now when I get a change to MODE, if it is non-DIG, I set the data_mode extra element to "N/A"
When I get a DATA MODE change from N/A to any DIG mode, and the previous data_mode was "N/A", I force the mode to DIG
In addition to solving my GUI entry problem, this way you never get an invalid combo of MODE and DATA MODE.
What a pain! I've learned way to much more that I ever wanted to about how this stuff hangs together.
Thanks for listening.
Bill _______________________________________________ chirp_devel mailing list chirp_devel@intrepid.danplanet.com http://intrepid.danplanet.com/mailman/listinfo/chirp_devel Developer docs:http://chirp.danplanet.com/projects/chirp/wiki/Developers
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Rick (AA0RD) DeWitt