[chirp_devel] Yaesu FT-70

We have been working on the FT-70 driver and now the basics of it going. I would really appreciate a code review/once over of this driver from an experienced CHIRP developer. Just to get on track! Then we can improve/revise as needed prior to submitting a formal request. Your thoughts are appreciated Thanks. Nicolas

We have been working on the FT-70 driver and now the basics of it going. I would really appreciate a code review/once over of this driver from an experienced CHIRP developer. Just to get on track! Then we can improve/revise as needed prior to submitting a formal request.
Just send it here like normal so people can look it over. If you put some note in the commit message about it not being ready yet, then I won't apply it.
participants (2)
Dan Smith
Nicolas Pike