[chirp_devel] New driver for Kenwood TM-D710G in true clone mode

New true clone-mode driver for Kenwood TMD-710G. Uses PROG MCP mode for binary image download/upload.

+def upd8_stat(self, stat, stp=1): +def mak_addr(bk1, bka, sbn, knt):
This kind of thing really bugs me. This should be "update_status" and "stop". Saving a few characters is not worth the loss of readability in 2019.
+def _read_mem(radio):
- """ Load the memory map """
- # UI progress
- status = chirp_common.Status()
- status.cur = 0
- val = 0
- for mx in range(0, radio._blks["nblks"]):
val += radio._blks["numpkts"][mx]
- status.max = val
- status.msg = "Reading %i Blocks" % val
- radio.status_fn(status)
- data = ""
- rdcnt = 261
- cmc = "0M PROGRAM" + TERM
- resp0 = command(radio.pipe, cmc, 3, W8S)
- radio.pipe.baudrate = 57600 # PROG mode is always 57.6
- junk = radio.pipe.read(16) # trailing byte
Because of the comment, I assume you're not really expecting 16 bytes, but rather just one. Correct? If so, I think you should just read the one and validate that you got it. If this fails to read anything due to a race, you'll just proceed and try to read from the radio and be out of sync. This is the kind of thing that tends to introduce "works on linux, not windows" sorts of bugs, not because of any real incompatibility, but just because of small timing differences.
- blk0 = 0
- for bkx in range(0, 0x07f):
cmc = "R" + mak_addr(blk0, bkx, 0, 0)
resp0 = command(radio.pipe, cmc, rdcnt, W8S)
if len(resp0) < rdcnt:
Actually, if you hit the above, you might be out of sync such that you're reading data off-by-one and creating a bad image internally, which will then get sent to the radio if someone tries to upload it later.
junk = command(radio.pipe, "E", 0, W8S)
raise errors.RadioError("Packet %i read error, %i bytes."
% (bkx, len(resp0)))
Most everywhere else we say "block" for this instead of "packet" so unless there's a good reason, it would be good to stick to the convention.
+def _write_mem(radio):
- """ Send MW commands for each channel """
- # UI progress
- status = chirp_common.Status()
- status.cur = 0
- val = 0
- for mx in range(0, radio._blks["nblks"]):
val += radio._blks["numpkts"][mx]
- status.max = val
- status.msg = "Writing %i Blocks" % val
- radio.status_fn(status)
- imgadr = 0
- resp0 = command(radio.pipe, "0M PROGRAM" + TERM, 3, W8S)
- radio.pipe.baudrate = 57600
- # ?? raise.error if resp0 != "0M 0d" ??
- junk = radio.pipe.read(16)
Looks like in _write_mem() you had the right idea :)
- # Read magic header thingy, save it
- blk0 = radio._blks["pktadr"][0]
- cmc = "R" + mak_addr(blk0, 0, 0, 4)
- resp0 = command(radio.pipe, cmc, 16, W8S)
- mht = resp0[5:]
- # LOG.warning("Magic Header Thingy: %02x %02x %02x %02x"
- # % (ord(mht[0:1]), ord(mht[1:2]), ord(mht[2:3]), ord(mht[3:4])))
Please either log this (at debug) or remove this commented out code. When reading without syntax highlighting it's very easy to miss that code is commented out and wonder why something isn't happening. If you think it's useful, it's fine to log it at debug level (although probably s/thingy//).
+@directory.register +class TMD710G_CRadio(chirp_common.CloneModeRadio):
- """ Kenwood TM-D710G VHF/UHF/GPS/APRS Radio """
- VENDOR = "Kenwood"
- MODEL = "TM-D710G_CloneMode"
- ID = "TM-D710G"
- _upper = 999 # Number of chans
- # Only reading first block, up to 7e for now
What does this mean? Are you not actually reading the whole radio? If so, you'll be creating an incompatibility later when you start reading the whole thing.
- _blks = {"nblks": 1, # Number of addressed blocks
"pktsz": 261, # packet size
"pktadr": [0, 0x100, 0x200], # starting addr, each block
"numpkts": [0x7f, 0x0fe, 0x200]} # num packets per block
I'm not sure why this is a dict instead of just attrbutes on the class like the others. Why not just:
class TMD710: ... _nblks = 1 _pktsz = 261 _pktadr = [0, 0x100, 0x200] _numpkts = [0x7f, 0x0fe, 0x200]
And, same as above, please spell these out closer to their proper words. There's no need to save the bytes and make the reader wonder if "pktsz" means "packet size" or "packets Z".
- @classmethod
- def get_prompts(cls):
rp = chirp_common.RadioPrompts()
rp.info = _(dedent("""
This version implements the 'Clone' mode using the MCP
data transfer method..
I'm not sure that "MCP data transfer method" means anything useful to the users. I think "Clone mode" is enough.
The 2 Call and 10 VFO memory channels are displayed when
the 'Special Chans' tab is toggled.
I'm going to make another plea to not put this in the instructions for the radio. This time, it's because this is already wrong for the py3 branch because the new UI does not and will not have a "special chans" button. That blending of view and control is exactly why I don't want this in the radio instructions themselves. If you won't remove it, at least s/tab/button/ because it is a button, not a tab.
For duplex 'Split' mode: enter the TX freq in Offset, and
the TX step in the Properties > Other tab.
This too is generic chirp help and not driver specific, and mentions elements of the UI.
Note: Window updates take a while, due to the 1000 channel
memory size, so set the Memory Range values in the menu bar
to your desired channels.
This too is wrong for the py3 branch, and is definitely very UI specific and not related to the driver itself.
rp.pre_download = _(dedent("""\
Follow these instructions to download the radio memory:
1 - Connect your interface cable to the PC Port on the
back of the 'TX/RX' unit. NOT the Com Port on the head.
2 - Radio > Download from radio: Don't adjust any settings
on the radio head!
rp.pre_upload = _(dedent("""\
Follow these instructions to upload the radio memory:
1 - Connect your interface cable to the PC Port on the
back of the 'TX/RX' unit. NOT the Com Port on the head.
2 - Radio > Upload to radio: Don't adjust any settings
on the radio head!
In both of these cases, the user isn't seeing this until they have already done Radio->Download right? So I'm not sure how this is applicable at the stage in which it's displayed. That, and it mentions UI elements again.
Maybe it's not clear, but the chirp/drivers modules are all intended to be completely generic API, and usable by a developer without the UI, or in a different way than intended. That clean separation is exactly why it is even _possible_ for us to be developing a new UI in parallel to the old one, and is a design decision that I very much want to keep.
- def sync_in(self):
"""Download from radio"""
data = _read_mem(self)
except errors.RadioError:
# Pass through any real errors we raise
resp = command(self.pipe, "E", 0, W8S) # Exit Program mode
except Exception:
# If anything unexpected happens, make sure we raise
# a RadioError and log the problem
LOG.exception('Unexpected error during download')
raise errors.RadioError('Unexpected error communicating '
'with the radio')
self._mmap = memmap.MemoryMap(data)
Please use MemoryMapBytes so that you're not creating a new driver that doesn't work on the py3 branch. Once you do, please check that it runs tests on that branch and fix up any issues you find. At some point, we'll need to stop accepting submissions that create new delta between the two branches and since you're a seasoned CHIRP developer, hopefully you'll help lead by example here :)
This return is pointless, please remove.
- def sync_out(self):
"""Upload to radio"""
except Exception:
# If anything unexpected happens, make sure we raise
# a RadioError and log the problem
LOG.exception('Unexpected error during upload')
raise errors.RadioError('Unexpected error communicating '
'with the radio')
...this one too.
- def process_mmap(self):
"""Process the mem map into the mem object"""
self._memobj = bitwise.parse(MEM_FORMAT, self._mmap)
...and this one.
- def get_memory(self, number):
"""Convert raw channel data (_mem) into UI columns (mem)"""
mem = chirp_common.Memory()
mem.extra = RadioSettingGroup("extra", "Extra")
if isinstance(number, str):
mem.name = number # Spcl chns 1st var
mem.number = self.SPECIAL_MEMORIES[number]
mem.extd_number = number # Uses name as LOC
Please don't set extd_number for non-special channels. I'd have to go look, but I think this is already triggering some re-labeling in the regular UI that you don't want, and I think I check for this in the new UI to trigger it. Just only do this for specials.
if mem.number < -12:
So in the new UI, special channels are always displayed and because of the way the grid works, it will be massively simpler if all radio drivers use MAX+N numbering for the specials. Since this radio appears to actually put them there, can you use their native number ordering in this so we don't have to convert this later?
- def set_memory(self, mem):
"""Convert UI column data (mem) into MEM_FORMAT memory (_mem)"""
if mem.number < 0: # Special chans
# This line is required to prevent name column being blank
mem.name = self.SPECIAL_MEMORIES_REV[mem.number]
This is not something we do anywhere else and is not appropriate, IMHO. Let the UI decide how to display this, don't fake it like it is actually set to this, that's the point of extd_number. I'm also not sure why you're changing anything on memory during set_memory() -- you're probably changing something the UI owns because it's passed by reference.
If you're trying to defeat the user's attempts to set the mem.name on a special channel, you need to make name immutable on the memory in get_memory().
- def get_settings(self):
"""Translate the MEM_FORMAT structs into settings in the UI"""
def my_mhz_val(setting, obj, atrb, ndx=-1):
""" Callback to set freq back to Htz"""
vx = float(str(setting.value))
vx = int(vx * mhz1)
Please use chirp_common.to_MHz() and from_MHz()
def my_bool(setting, obj, atrb, ndx=-1):
""" Callback to properly set boolean """
# set_settings is not setting [indexed] booleans???
vx = 0
if str(setting.value) == "True":
Why are you doing this? Stringifying a bool and comparing it to a string defeats the entire point of using a boolean type.
def mak_str(chrx):
""" Python wierdness: convert char array to string """
# chrx is char array
stx = ""
for sx in chrx:
if int(sx) > 31 and int(sx) < 127:
stx += chr(sx)
return stx
What is this trying to do? Filter to ascii? Also, please s/mak/make/.
def pswd_vfy(setting, obj, atrb):
""" Verify password is 1-6 chars, numbers 1-5 """
stx = str(setting.value)[0:6].strip()
sty = ""
for chx in stx:
if ord(chx) < 49 or ord(chx) > 53:
raise errors.RadioError("Bad characters in Password")
for ix in range(1, 6): # append ff
stx += chr(255)
sty = stx[0:6]
setattr(obj, atrb, sty)
If you would spell out whatever "stx" and "sty" are it would be easier to follow what is going on here. Is the password just A-F, 1-5? If so, it may be far easier to just do this:
sty = filter(lambda c: c in 'ABCDEF12345', stx[:6]) sty.ljust(6, '\xff') if sty != stx: raise ...
- @classmethod
- def match_model(cls, fdata, fyle):
""" Included to prevent 'File > New' error """
# Test the file data size
if len(fdata) == MEMSIZE:
return True
return False
As discussed, just return False here and rely on the metadata always for new drivers. And no need to mention "the file->new error" every single time we add this. It's just the behavior that all new drivers should have.
That's all for now. Thanks for doing this work, it's clear that it was a massive undertaking. I've got one of these radios, so I'm happy to see this getting done. If it weren't for the concern above about not downloading all of the radio contents I would have tested this myself. On the next rev I will, based on the answer to that question.

I'm glad I can keep you entertained. Regarding reading the memory blocks- The first block is 32,512 bytes and contains the 1000 memory channels, scan ranges, call channels, vfo values, masks, and radio settings. The second block is 65,024 bytes and contains the power-on display bitmap, Sky Command configuration, APRS and GPS settings. The third block is 131,072 bytes containing the GPS logs; tracks and waypoints. If I read the data after the first block, then I have to support all those settings. Otherwise someone will load a saved image, modify a few memory channels and upload it- clobbering anything the radio had saved there. I have avoided adding all that seldom-used data because my doctor says I only have 30 more years to live and the Kenwood MCP software currently covers it. If you really want that stuff supported in CHIRP, then of course I can do it. I can create a Windows exe version of the short image for my local ARES centers to use until then.

Regarding reading the memory blocks- The first block is 32,512 bytes and contains the 1000 memory channels, scan ranges, call channels, vfo values, masks, and radio settings. The second block is 65,024 bytes and contains the power-on display bitmap, Sky Command configuration, APRS and GPS settings. The third block is 131,072 bytes containing the GPS logs; tracks and waypoints. If I read the data after the first block, then I have to support all those settings.
No, you don't. All the other drivers pull the entire memory from the radio, and many don't support any settings at all.
Otherwise someone will load a saved image, modify a few memory channels and upload it- clobbering anything the radio had saved there.
That's true even if you support the other settings. If you pull all the data, then someone doing this:
1. Download 2. Modify one memory in chirp 3. Upload
Will not lose any settings.
Further, even if you did support editing all settings, the following would happen:
1. Download 2. Modify one memory in chirp 3. Modify something on the radio itself 4. Upload
They would have lost the setting they made on the radio.
I have avoided adding all that seldom-used data because my doctor says I only have 30 more years to live and the Kenwood MCP software currently covers it. If you really want that stuff supported in CHIRP, then of course I can do it.
I don't care that it's supported in chirp, I care that it's in the image in case we want to support it later. I think it probably makes sense to not pull the GPS log and track data, because we'd need to write a whole new interface to the radio driver, and UI for doing that, and it's pretty far outside the scope of chirp's duties. You could argue the same about the bitmaps, although it'd be unfortunate to leave a hole in the middle. But, everything else is fair game and I think you should pull it regardless.
I definitely don't think we need to support editing every last bit in the memory image. None of the drivers I've written have as complete coverage as this one that you wrote, because I don't see the benefit of spending all that time. So, I'm with you. My primary concern is not about compete coverage, it's about compatibility.
The other point is that all the other drivers pull the entire memory image, which means I can create a full backup of my radio with CHIRP, then make some changes on the radio, and restore it exactly with the image. It would be very confusing for some clone-mode drivers to behave like this and not others.
I can create a Windows exe version of the short image for my local ARES centers to use until then.
Well, I can't stop you, but I really wish you wouldn't. Your local group will be creating images that would no longer be valid with the later version that pulls the full set of data, either requiring your driver to maintain compatibility for those things forever, or to eventually orphan those. Someone shares that version with a buddy and/or posts it somewhere and now we've forked the world with people generating chirp image files that won't be compatible with other ones. We should be avoiding breaking compatibility over time, whenever possible, since CHIRP's primary reason for existing is to avoid lock-in to one model's software and data format.
Based on what I said above, you should be able to just make the driver pull all the relevant ranges into the image, regardless of whether or not you have settings support for those things with minimal extra effort right? Hopefully that is easy enough to avoid the need to fork?

OK, that makes sense to me. I will review what is in that 2nd block and may add a setting or two. I have been searching the Wiki and repository for the documentation on porting to python3. Can you point me at those notes?
On 12/21/2019 9:35 AM, Dan Smith via chirp_devel wrote:
Regarding reading the memory blocks- The first block is 32,512 bytes and contains the 1000 memory channels, scan ranges, call channels, vfo values, masks, and radio settings. The second block is 65,024 bytes and contains the power-on display bitmap, Sky Command configuration, APRS and GPS settings. The third block is 131,072 bytes containing the GPS logs; tracks and waypoints. If I read the data after the first block, then I have to support all those settings.
No, you don't. All the other drivers pull the entire memory from the radio, and many don't support any settings at all.
Otherwise someone will load a saved image, modify a few memory channels and upload it- clobbering anything the radio had saved there.
That's true even if you support the other settings. If you pull all the data, then someone doing this:
- Download
- Modify one memory in chirp
- Upload
Will not lose any settings.
Further, even if you did support editing all settings, the following would happen:
- Download
- Modify one memory in chirp
- Modify something on the radio itself
- Upload
They would have lost the setting they made on the radio.
I have avoided adding all that seldom-used data because my doctor says I only have 30 more years to live and the Kenwood MCP software currently covers it. If you really want that stuff supported in CHIRP, then of course I can do it.
I don't care that it's supported in chirp, I care that it's in the image in case we want to support it later. I think it probably makes sense to not pull the GPS log and track data, because we'd need to write a whole new interface to the radio driver, and UI for doing that, and it's pretty far outside the scope of chirp's duties. You could argue the same about the bitmaps, although it'd be unfortunate to leave a hole in the middle. But, everything else is fair game and I think you should pull it regardless.
I definitely don't think we need to support editing every last bit in the memory image. None of the drivers I've written have as complete coverage as this one that you wrote, because I don't see the benefit of spending all that time. So, I'm with you. My primary concern is not about compete coverage, it's about compatibility.
The other point is that all the other drivers pull the entire memory image, which means I can create a full backup of my radio with CHIRP, then make some changes on the radio, and restore it exactly with the image. It would be very confusing for some clone-mode drivers to behave like this and not others.
I can create a Windows exe version of the short image for my local ARES centers to use until then.
Well, I can't stop you, but I really wish you wouldn't. Your local group will be creating images that would no longer be valid with the later version that pulls the full set of data, either requiring your driver to maintain compatibility for those things forever, or to eventually orphan those. Someone shares that version with a buddy and/or posts it somewhere and now we've forked the world with people generating chirp image files that won't be compatible with other ones. We should be avoiding breaking compatibility over time, whenever possible, since CHIRP's primary reason for existing is to avoid lock-in to one model's software and data format.
Based on what I said above, you should be able to just make the driver pull all the relevant ranges into the image, regardless of whether or not you have settings support for those things with minimal extra effort right? Hopefully that is easy enough to avoid the need to fork?
--Dan _______________________________________________ chirp_devel mailing list chirp_devel@intrepid.danplanet.com http://intrepid.danplanet.com/mailman/listinfo/chirp_devel Developer docs: http://chirp.danplanet.com/projects/chirp/wiki/Developers
participants (2)
Dan Smith
Rick DeWitt AA0RD