[chirp_devel] Pending Equipment Loans

I just wanted to make sure everyone is aware of all the radios that currently have outstanding equipment loan offers:
There look to be about 25 to choose from, if anyone is interested in writing a driver for a radio, this is a pretty reasonable way to go about it.
I have done several drivers via loans like this and all have gone smoothly. I have a set of rules that I point the owner to and make them agree to those before I agree to work on their radio:

I just wanted to make sure everyone is aware of all the radios that currently have outstanding equipment loan offers:
Also, this one which has an offer of a donation, it looks like:
So, if anyone wants to score a dual-band dual-receive chinese mobile (looks like a Kenwood TM-V71 clone) this might be a pretty good deal :)
We could also try to tag-team it, if someone is interested in decoding the memories, I could get the clone part done and then mail it off to someone else to decode all the memory bits.

On Sat, Oct 26, 2013 at 3:26 PM, Dan Smith dsmith@danplanet.com wrote:
We could also try to tag-team it, if someone is interested in decoding the memories, I could get the clone part done and then mail it off to someone else to decode all the memory bits.
I believe that for the Baofeng UV-B5 you did the bare essentials; RX frequency, CTCSS, DCS, Duplex, Offset, Mode, Power and Skip. Then I helped to flesh it out from there. If that is what you are suggesting, then I might be interested.
I also noticed that are few of the radios that are listed that have already been implemented. I might find some time today or tomorrow to update the status of the radios I am sure about being done, in progress or duplicates.

I believe that for the Baofeng UV-B5 you did the bare essentials; RX frequency, CTCSS, DCS, Duplex, Offset, Mode, Power and Skip. Then I helped to flesh it out from there. If that is what you are suggesting, then I might be interested.
Yeah, we did do that. I think I'd be looking for a little more help this time around, as things at work are pretty hectic for me at the moment and I don't end up with much time to work on stuff like this.
I'm sure that if I got you started with upload and download working, and maybe just find the start of the memories or something that you are more than qualified to do the rest. However, if you're interested in taking a shot at the clone part too, I think you'd probably be able to knock that out without too much trouble. What do you think? If you're not sure, maybe get portmon installed and let it sniff the serial port as you do a download from one of your radios, compare it with the code that is there, and see if it makes sense to you?
Anyway, the clone protocol part is usually not a huge amount of work and less tedious than the rest, so if that's what it takes, I'll definitely do that part :)
I also noticed that are few of the radios that are listed that have already been implemented. I might find some time today or tomorrow to update the status of the radios I am sure about being done, in progress or duplicates.
Oh, that'd be great, thanks!

Yeah, we did do that. I think I'd be looking for a little more help this time around, as things at work are pretty hectic for me at the moment and I don't end up with much time to work on stuff like this.
Work is quite hectic for me too. Business is really off so they have us manufacturing engineering types really working hard to improve things to be more efficient when business gets back on track.
I still enjoy helping out with CHIRP during some of my off time so I'm still interested.
I'm sure that if I got you started with upload and download working, and maybe just find the start of the memories or something that you are more than qualified to do the rest.
This is probably where I think I would want to start. I'm just not sure I feel comfortable doing it with a loaner radio.
However, if you're interested in taking a shot at the clone part too, I think you'd probably be able to knock that out without too much trouble. What do you think? If you're not sure, maybe get portmon installed and let it sniff the serial port as you do a download from one of your radios, compare it with the code that is there, and see if it makes sense to you?
I've done the portmon thing already. That's how I figured out the silly Baofeng UV-B5 was changing 'ident' strings and 'ack' codes as the settings were changed (why would hey do that?).
Anyway, the clone protocol part is usually not a huge amount of work and less tedious than the rest, so if that's what it takes, I'll definitely do that part :)
Let me look at the list some more (while I think about it).

#701 and #223 - there is support for the BF-888 although it isn't 100% complete yet. I believe a loan is not required. The BF-888 is the same as the BF-480 from what I've read. Perhaps someone could test one out. (ie. the original programming software for the BF-888 is called BF-480)
#223 also mentions the BF-490, which is different (VHF) so a loan of one of them might still be useful.
participants (3)
Dan Smith
Jim Unroe