[chirp_devel] Fwd: devel-announce Digest, Vol 149, Issue 13

I received this this morning. Please check for requires or build requires. Python 2 is disappearing.
Jim, KB6QT ---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: devel-announce Digest, Vol 149, Issue 13 Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2019, 8:26:54 AM PDT From: devel-announce-request@lists.fedoraproject.org To: devel-announce@lists.fedoraproject.org
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Today's Topics:
1. List of Python 2 packages to be removed mid-November (Miro Hrončok)
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2019 16:24:02 +0100 From: Miro Hrončok mhroncok@redhat.com Subject: List of Python 2 packages to be removed mid-November To: Development discussions related to Fedora devel@lists.fedoraproject.org, devel-announce@lists.fedoraproject.org Message-ID: b9161805-7386-675a-7685-b9c60755ed6c@redhat.com Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
Dear maintainers, here is a list of packages that (transitively, at build or run time) require Python 2 and have not yet got a FESCo exception to do so. If you were bcced on this e-mail, it affects one or more of your packages.
The default action will be to remove such packages mid-November.
If this took you by surprise, don't panic. It's possible to change the default. Let us know and we'll work things out. The mid-November deadline is not for removing *all* of Python 2, but for getting exceptions.
If you are already working to port to Python 3, sorry for the spam! But, time is running out. Consider getting an exception so the package isn't removed in November. Or remove the package (if nothing depends on it) and re-introduce it when it's ported. (We'll be happy to help, with reviews or otherwise.) If you want to remove the Python 2 package, but you're waiting for something that depends on it, please make sure you know what the maintainer(s) of the dependent package are planning to do. (Hopefully you have fewer dependents than "python27" or "python2-setuptools", and your questions can be more targeted than this e-mail.) If you want to continue using Python 2, please let us know ASAP. We can guide you through filing the FESCo exception.
If you talked to us (on e-mail or Bugzilla) and think your package is fine as it is, but you don't have a FESCo exception, then there was a misunderstanding. We're sorry for our side of it. Please get a FESCo exception for your package.
Note: Packages that BuildRequire python27, and have no other Python 2 dependencies, have a blanket exception for Fedora 32: https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/2250 They aren't listed below. Also note: Orphaned Python 2 packages also aren't listed below, but will be removed unless someone adopts them and gets an exception.
## Why the FESCo exception?
It's a bit of process meant to ensure all the relevant people know that a package *and its dependencies* will stay in Fedora, despite using an (upstream-)unmaintained interpreter. With hundreds of packages, all different, we unfortunately do need a bit of bureaucracy. Due to the volume, the Python 2 removal will be *automated*, so if you have an "obvious exception", it's still important to let *humans* know, so they can adapt their automation.
## Why now?
The current maintainers of python27 don't want to maintain it forever, without upstream support. But we also don't want to just drop it and let everything burn, hence all this fuss. The policy and messaging around deprecating and removing Python 2 has been getting stronger and stronger ever since the Python 3.0 release in 2008. If you still need more time, please let us know.
## What exactly is happening?
The formal change proposal is here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/RetirePython2
Packages requiring Python 2 will be removed starting November 15 (unless they have an exception). Components with all essential subpackages removed will be retired. The removal will be (semi-)automated.
Source package only BuildRequiring removed packages will fail to build, and will be removed according to the regular FTBFS policy.
https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fesco/ Fails_to_build_from_source_Fails_to_install/
## The list
Here is the package breakdown sorted by maintainers. The list contains the shortest dependency path to Python 2. The arrow means "depends on".
The data is based on the latest rawhide compose, so it might be a bit out of date.
If you find a bogus dependency, such as a dependency that can be resolved in a non-Python 2 way, please let us know, so we can blacklist it.
aarem pdf-stapler (→ PY2) python2-staplelib (→ PY2) python-PyPDF2 python2-PyPDF2 (→ PY2) python2-more-itertools (→ PY2) abbot protobuf python2-protobuf (→ PY2) abompard python-coverage python2-coverage (→ PY2) python-httplib2 python2-httplib2 (→ PY2) python-mako python2-mako (→ PY2) python-pysocks python2-pysocks (→ PY2) python-urllib3 python2-urllib3 (→ PY2) python-zope-event python2-zope-event (→ PY2) ajmitchell NFStest (→ PY2) alexl dbus (BuildRequires: python2-gobject → PY2) dbus-python python2-dbus (→ PY2) gnome-python2 gnome-python2-canvas (→ PY2) gnome-python2-devel (→ PY2) gnome-python2-gconf (→ PY2) gnome-python2-gnome (→ PY2) gnome-python2-gnomevfs (→ PY2) gnome-python2-desktop (→ gnome-python2-canvas → PY2) gnome-python2-gnomekeyring (→ PY2) gnome-python2-libwnck (→ PY2) gnome-python2-rsvg (→ PY2) alexlan graphviz graphviz-python2 (→ PY2) alsadi dumb-init (BuildRequires: python2-mock → PY2) amigadave dbus (BuildRequires: python2-gobject → PY2) amluto python-musicbrainzngs python2-musicbrainzngs (→ PY2) andreamanzi dynafed (→ PY2) dynafed-dmlite-frontend (→ dynafed → PY2) dynafed-dmlite-plugin (→ dynafed → PY2) dynafed-http-plugin (→ dynafed → PY2) dynafed-lfc-plugin (→ dynafed → PY2) dynafed-private-devel (→ dynafed → PY2) dynafed-tpc-gfal2 (→ dynafed → PY2) anishpatil gnome-transliteration (→ python2-gobject → PY2) ankursinha python-tasklib (BuildRequires: python2-pytz → PY2) anyremote ganyremote (→ pybluez → PY2) kanyremote (→ pybluez → PY2) aperezbios sugar (→ PY2) sugar-cp-all (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-background (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-backup (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-datetime (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-frame (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-keyboard (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-language (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-modemconfiguration (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-network (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-power (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-updater (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-webaccount (→ sugar → PY2) telepathy-salut (BuildRequires: python2-dbus → PY2) apevec pyparsing python2-pyparsing (→ PY2) python-distutils-extra python2-distutils-extra (→ PY2) python-netifaces python2-netifaces (→ PY2) python-pbr python2-pbr (→ PY2) python-prettytable python2-prettytable (→ PY2) python-six python2-six (→ PY2) aruiz fleet-commander-client (→ python2-gobject → PY2) ausil uboot-tools (BuildRequires: python2-setuptools → PY2) averi trac-batchmodify-plugin (→ PY2) trac-navadd-plugin (→ PY2) trac-themeengine-plugin (→ PY2) trac-tocmacro-plugin (→ PY2) trac-vatar-plugin (→ PY2) trac-workflowadmin-plugin (→ PY2) aviso python-configparser python2-configparser (→ PY2) python-dns python2-dns (→ PY2) python-scandir python2-scandir (→ PY2) awjb fbdesk (→ fluxbox → PY2) libopensync-plugin-moto (→ pybluez → PY2) python-httplib2 python2-httplib2 (→ PY2) beckerde miniupnpc python2-miniupnpc (→ PY2) besser82 dbus-python python2-dbus (→ PY2) xed (BuildRequires: python2-gobject-base → PY2) bkabrda python-six python2-six (→ PY2) bkearney sugar-moon (→ PY2) sugar-turtleart (→ PY2) bowlofeggs python-mako python2-mako (→ PY2) python-nose python2-nose (→ PY2) python-pycodestyle python2-pycodestyle (→ PY2) python-simplejson python2-simplejson (→ PY2) python-sqlalchemy python2-sqlalchemy (→ PY2) rocket-depot (→ PY2) bpepple python-telepathy python2-telepathy (→ PY2) telepathy-idle (BuildRequires: python2-dbus → PY2) telepathy-mission-control (BuildRequires: python2-dbus → PY2) telepathy-rakia (BuildRequires: python2-dbus → PY2) bressers gqrx (→ gnuradio → PY2) bronhaim ioprocess python2-ioprocess (→ PY2) brouhaha gr-iio (→ gnuradio → PY2) gr-iio-devel (→ gnuradio-devel → gnuradio → PY2) python-attrs python2-attrs (→ PY2) python-enum34 python2-enum34 (→ PY2) bruno qgis (BuildRequires: python2-sip-devel → PY2) bsjones frescobaldi (→ lilypond → PY2) lilv (BuildRequires: python2-numpy → PY2) python-poppler-qt4 (BuildRequires: PyQt4-devel → python2-sip-devel → PY2) caillon dbus (BuildRequires: python2-gobject → PY2) dbus-python python2-dbus (→ PY2) gnome-python2 gnome-python2-canvas (→ PY2) gnome-python2-devel (→ PY2) gnome-python2-gconf (→ PY2) gnome-python2-gnome (→ PY2) gnome-python2-gnomevfs (→ PY2) gnome-python2-desktop (→ gnome-python2-canvas → PY2) gnome-python2-gnomekeyring (→ PY2) gnome-python2-libwnck (→ PY2) gnome-python2-rsvg (→ PY2) callkalpa sugar-abacus (→ PY2) sugar-browse (→ PY2) sugar-calculator (→ PY2) sugar-castle (→ PY2) sugar-chat (→ PY2) sugar-clock (→ PY2) sugar-colordeducto (→ PY2) sugar-connect (→ PY2) sugar-countries (→ PY2) sugar-distance (→ PY2) sugar-finance (→ PY2) sugar-flip (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-flipsticks (→ PY2) sugar-fototoon (→ PY2) sugar-fractionbounce (→ PY2) sugar-getiabooks (→ PY2) sugar-hello-world (→ PY2) sugar-imageviewer (→ PY2) sugar-implode (→ PY2) sugar-infoslicer (→ PY2) sugar-jukebox (→ PY2) sugar-kuku (→ PY2) sugar-labyrinth (→ PY2) sugar-locosugar (→ PY2) sugar-log (→ PY2) sugar-maze (→ PY2) sugar-measure (→ PY2) sugar-memorize (→ PY2) sugar-nutrition (→ PY2) sugar-paint (→ PY2) sugar-physics (→ PY2) sugar-pippy (→ PY2) sugar-playgo (→ PY2) sugar-portfolio (→ PY2) sugar-pukllanapac (→ PY2) sugar-read (→ PY2) sugar-recall (→ PY2) sugar-record (→ PY2) sugar-ruler (→ PY2) sugar-speak (→ PY2) sugar-srilanka (→ PY2) sugar-starchart (→ PY2) sugar-stopwatch (→ PY2) sugar-terminal (→ PY2) sugar-typing-turtle (→ PY2) sugar-view-slides (→ PY2) sugar-visualmatch (→ PY2) sugar-words (→ PY2) sugar-write (→ PY2) sugar-xoeditor (→ PY2) sugar-xoirc (→ PY2) sugar-xomail (→ PY2) sugar-yupana (→ PY2) caolanm dbus (BuildRequires: python2-gobject → PY2) dbus-python python2-dbus (→ PY2) gnome-python2 gnome-python2-canvas (→ PY2) gnome-python2-devel (→ PY2) gnome-python2-gconf (→ PY2) gnome-python2-gnome (→ PY2) gnome-python2-gnomevfs (→ PY2) gnome-python2-desktop (→ gnome-python2-canvas → PY2) gnome-python2-gnomekeyring (→ PY2) gnome-python2-libwnck (→ PY2) gnome-python2-rsvg (→ PY2) carlwgeorge python-subprocess32 python2-subprocess32 (→ PY2) chandankumar python2-typing (→ PY2) cheese freeorion (→ PY2) churchyard Cython python2-Cython (→ PY2) python-certifi python2-certifi (→ PY2) python-chardet python2-chardet (→ PY2) python-hypothesis python2-hypothesis (→ PY2) python-markupsafe python2-markupsafe (→ PY2) python-nose python2-nose (→ PY2) python-pygments python2-pygments (→ PY2) python-six python2-six (→ PY2) python2-more-itertools (→ PY2) python2-pluggy (→ PY2) python2-pytest (→ PY2) python2-setuptools (→ PY2) cicku exaile (→ PY2) hg-git (→ PY2) lilypond (→ PY2) offlineimap (→ PY2) python-mutagen python2-mutagen (→ PY2) cjb olpc-switch-desktop (→ PY2) olpc-update (→ PY2) clalance python-prettytable python2-prettytable (→ PY2) corsepiu k3d (→ PY2) k3d-devel (→ k3d → PY2) cottsay gr-osmosdr (→ PY2) gr-osmosdr-devel (→ gr-osmosdr → PY2) gr-osmosdr-doc (→ gr-osmosdr → PY2) cstratak python-pytest-cov python2-pytest-cov (→ PY2) python-setuptools_scm python2-setuptools_scm (→ PY2) scipy python2-scipy (→ PY2) ctria configsnap (→ PY2) cverna python-mako python2-mako (→ PY2) daveisfera qgis (BuildRequires: python2-sip-devel → PY2) trac (→ PY2) trac-mercurial-plugin (→ PY2) daveo gqrx (→ gnuradio → PY2) dcallagh python-formencode python2-formencode (→ PY2) dchen fluxbox (→ PY2) fluxbox-pulseaudio (→ fluxbox → PY2) fluxbox-vim-syntax (→ fluxbox → PY2) python-httplib2 python2-httplib2 (→ PY2) defolos pyxattr python2-pyxattr (→ PY2) deji exaile (→ PY2) mpich python2-mpich (→ PY2) openmpi python2-openmpi (→ PY2) denisarnaud boost boost-mpich-python2 (→ PY2) boost-mpich-python2-devel (→ boost-mpich-python2 → PY2) boost-numpy2 (→ PY2) boost-openmpi-python2 (→ PY2) boost-openmpi-python2-devel (→ boost-openmpi-python2 → PY2) boost-python2 (→ PY2) boost-python2-devel (→ boost-numpy2 → PY2) xapian-bindings python2-xapian (→ PY2) dfateyev backupninja (→ rdiff-backup → PY2) dledford openmpi python2-openmpi (→ PY2) dmalcolm squeal (→ PY2) dmaphy terminator (→ PY2) dodji offlineimap (→ PY2) dougsland ioprocess python2-ioprocess (→ PY2) drago01 xapian-bindings python2-xapian (→ PY2) dsd olpc-switch-desktop (→ PY2) olpc-update (→ PY2) sugar (→ PY2) sugar-cp-all (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-background (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-backup (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-datetime (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-frame (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-keyboard (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-language (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-modemconfiguration (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-network (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-power (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-updater (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-webaccount (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-datastore (→ PY2) sugar-toolkit-gtk3 (→ PY2) sugar-toolkit-gtk3-devel (→ sugar-toolkit-gtk3 → PY2) dvratil telepathy-logger-qt (BuildRequires: python2-dbus → PY2) dwrobel dxf2gcode (BuildRequires: python2-qt5-base → PY2) erikos gwebsockets python2-gwebsockets (→ PY2) sugar (→ PY2) sugar-cp-all (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-background (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-backup (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-datetime (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-frame (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-keyboard (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-language (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-modemconfiguration (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-network (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-power (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-updater (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-webaccount (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-artwork (BuildRequires: python2-empy → PY2) sugar-base (→ PY2) sugar-browse (→ PY2) sugar-calculator (→ PY2) sugar-chat (→ PY2) sugar-datastore (→ PY2) sugar-imageviewer (→ PY2) sugar-log (→ PY2) sugar-read (→ PY2) sugar-terminal (→ PY2) sugar-toolkit (→ PY2) sugar-toolkit-gtk3 (→ PY2) sugar-toolkit-gtk3-devel (→ sugar-toolkit-gtk3 → PY2) sugar-turtleart (→ PY2) sugar-write (→ PY2) ersin ddiskit (→ PY2) ewalsh termy-qt (BuildRequires: python2-jinja2 → PY2) fab captcp (→ PY2) klavaro (BuildRequires: python2-docutils → PY2) python-astral (BuildRequires: python2-pytz → PY2) python-distutils-extra python2-distutils-extra (→ PY2) python-dulwich python2-dulwich (→ PY2) python-olpcgames python2-olpcgames (→ PY2) scons python2-scons (→ PY2) fale python-decorator python2-decorator (→ PY2) python-lxml python2-lxml (→ PY2) farnz python-gstreamer1 python2-gstreamer1 (→ PY2) fcami scribus (→ PY2) filabrazilska python-scales python2-scales (→ PY2) filiperosset bakefile (→ PY2) python-empy python2-empy (→ PY2) firewing python-crypto python2-crypto (→ PY2) frankcrawford rdiff-backup (→ PY2) safekeep safekeep-client (→ safekeep-common → rdiff-backup → PY2) safekeep-common (→ rdiff-backup → PY2) safekeep-server (→ safekeep-common → rdiff-backup → PY2) fschwarz babel python2-babel (→ PY2) python-genshi python2-genshi (→ PY2) python-pyside python-pyside-devel (→ python2-pyside → PY2) python2-pyside (→ PY2) shiboken (→ shiboken-python2-libs → PY2) shiboken-python2-devel (→ PY2) shiboken-python2-libs (→ PY2) trac (→ PY2) fujiwara ibus-input-pad (→ input-pad → python2-gobject → PY2) input-pad (→ python2-gobject → PY2) input-pad-devel (→ input-pad → python2-gobject → PY2) gbcox oggify (→ PY2) geertj pyside-tools (→ PY2) python-pyside python-pyside-devel (→ python2-pyside → PY2) python2-pyside (→ PY2) genodeftest exaile (→ PY2) greghellings python-enum34 python2-enum34 (→ PY2) herczy libuser python2-libuser (→ PY2) herrold abiword python2-abiword (→ PY2) hguemar python-dateutil python2-dateutil (→ PY2) python-funcsigs python2-funcsigs (→ PY2) hhorak PyGreSQL python2-pygresql (→ PY2) hobbes1069 pyside-tools (→ PY2) python-pyside python-pyside-devel (→ python2-pyside → PY2) python2-pyside (→ PY2) shiboken (→ shiboken-python2-libs → PY2) shiboken-python2-devel (→ PY2) shiboken-python2-libs (→ PY2) huzaifas abiword python2-abiword (→ PY2) ignatenkobrain Cython python2-Cython (→ PY2) libxml2 python2-libxml2 (→ PY2) protobuf python2-protobuf (→ PY2) python-blist python2-blist (→ PY2) python-hypothesis python2-hypothesis (→ PY2) python-iniparse python2-iniparse (→ PY2) python-lxml python2-lxml (→ PY2) python-mako python2-mako (→ PY2) python-mutagen python2-mutagen (→ PY2) python-setuptools_scm python2-setuptools_scm (→ PY2) python-simplejson python2-simplejson (→ PY2) ilianaw python-backports python2-backports (→ PY2) imcleod python-prettytable python2-prettytable (→ PY2) irina qpid-proton python2-qpid-proton (→ PY2) ishcherb python-pydispatcher python2-pydispatcher (→ PY2) itamarjp asterisk (→ PY2) asterisk-ael (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-alembic (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-alsa (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-calendar (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-corosync (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-curl (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-dahdi (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-devel (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-fax (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-festival (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-hep (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-iax2 (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-ices (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-ldap (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-lua (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-mgcp (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-minivm (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-mobile (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-mwi-external (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-mysql (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-odbc (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-ooh323 (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-oss (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-pjsip (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-portaudio (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-postgresql (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-radius (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-sip (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-skinny (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-snmp (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-sqlite (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-tds (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-unistim (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-voicemail (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-voicemail-imap (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-voicemail-odbc (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-voicemail-plain (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-sounds-core asterisk-sounds-core-* (→ asterisk → PY2) python-configparser python2-configparser (→ PY2) ivaxer gflags (BuildRequires: python2-setuptools → PY2) ivazquez python-sqlalchemy python2-sqlalchemy (→ PY2) jamatos pyparsing python2-pyparsing (→ PY2) python-configparser python2-configparser (→ PY2) jamielinux docco (→ python2-pygments → PY2) nodejs-snockets (BuildRequires: docco → python2-pygments → PY2) nodejs-watchit (BuildRequires: docco → python2-pygments → PY2) jchaloup kubernetes-ansible (→ python2-netaddr → PY2) kubernetes-ansible-vagrant (→ kubernetes-ansible → python2-netaddr → PY2) jcholast certmonger (BuildRequires: python2-dbus → PY2) python-netaddr python2-netaddr (→ PY2) jcline python-chardet python2-chardet (→ PY2) python-idna python2-idna (→ PY2) python-urllib3 python2-urllib3 (→ PY2) jcpunk xed (BuildRequires: python2-gobject-base → PY2) jdekloe grib_api (BuildRequires: python2-numpy → PY2) hg-git (→ PY2) jdornak mod_wsgi python2-mod_wsgi (→ PY2) python-mysql python2-mysql (→ PY2) jdulaney lilypond (→ PY2) jeckersb PyYAML python2-pyyaml (→ PY2) python-netaddr python2-netaddr (→ PY2) jfilak python-inotify python2-inotify (→ PY2) python2-inotify-examples (→ PY2) jgrulich lokalize (→ python2-dbus → PY2) telepathy-logger-qt (BuildRequires: python2-dbus → PY2) telepathy-qt (BuildRequires: python2-dbus → PY2) jgu python-netifaces python2-netifaces (→ PY2) vtk (BuildRequires: python2-sip-devel → PY2) jhladky openmpi python2-openmpi (→ PY2) jhrozek libuser python2-libuser (→ PY2) python-netaddr python2-netaddr (→ PY2) jkaluza mod_wsgi python2-mod_wsgi (→ PY2) jmlich PyGreSQL python2-pygresql (→ PY2) jmontleon python-certifi python2-certifi (→ PY2) johnp dbus (BuildRequires: python2-gobject → PY2) dbus-python python2-dbus (→ PY2) gnome-python2 gnome-python2-canvas (→ PY2) gnome-python2-devel (→ PY2) gnome-python2-gconf (→ PY2) gnome-python2-gnome (→ PY2) gnome-python2-gnomevfs (→ PY2) gnome-python2-desktop (→ gnome-python2-canvas → PY2) gnome-python2-gnomekeyring (→ PY2) gnome-python2-libwnck (→ PY2) gnome-python2-rsvg (→ PY2) pygobject3 python2-gobject (→ PY2) python2-gobject-base (→ PY2) python2-gobject-devel (→ python2-gobject → PY2) sugar (→ PY2) sugar-cp-all (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-background (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-backup (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-datetime (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-frame (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-keyboard (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-language (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-modemconfiguration (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-network (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-power (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-updater (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-webaccount (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-datastore (→ PY2) telepathy-salut (BuildRequires: python2-dbus → PY2) jorton mod_wsgi python2-mod_wsgi (→ PY2) jpopelka python-utmp python2-utmp (→ PY2) jraber gourmet (→ PY2) jreznik kig (→ PY2) pyside-tools (→ PY2) python-pyside python-pyside-devel (→ python2-pyside → PY2) python2-pyside (→ PY2) shiboken (→ shiboken-python2-libs → PY2) shiboken-python2-devel (→ PY2) shiboken-python2-libs (→ PY2) telepathy-logger-qt (BuildRequires: python2-dbus → PY2) telepathy-qt (BuildRequires: python2-dbus → PY2) jridky asciidoc asciidoc-music (→ lilypond → PY2) jskarvad gnuradio (→ PY2) gnuradio-devel (→ gnuradio → PY2) gnuradio-doc (→ gnuradio → PY2) gnuradio-examples (→ PY2) gqrx (→ gnuradio → PY2) gr-air-modes (→ PY2) gr-air-modes-devel (→ gr-air-modes → PY2) gr-air-modes-doc (→ gr-air-modes → PY2) gr-fcdproplus (→ PY2) gr-fcdproplus-devel (→ gr-fcdproplus → PY2) gr-fcdproplus-doc (→ gr-fcdproplus → PY2) gr-hpsdr (→ PY2) gr-hpsdr-devel (→ gr-hpsdr → PY2) gr-hpsdr-doc (→ gr-hpsdr → PY2) gr-iqbal (→ PY2) gr-iqbal-devel (→ gr-iqbal → PY2) gr-iqbal-doc (→ gr-iqbal → PY2) gr-osmosdr (→ PY2) gr-osmosdr-devel (→ gr-osmosdr → PY2) gr-osmosdr-doc (→ gr-osmosdr → PY2) gr-rds (→ PY2) gr-rds-devel (→ gr-rds → PY2) gr-rds-doc (→ gr-rds → PY2) graphviz graphviz-python2 (→ PY2) pygame pygame-devel (→ python2-pygame → PY2) python2-pygame (→ PY2) python-pyobd python2-pyobd (→ PY2) python-pyrtlsdr python2-pyrtlsdr (→ PY2) python-visvis python2-visvis (→ PY2) quisk (→ PY2) rtlsdr-scanner (→ PY2) rtlsdr-scanner-doc (→ rtlsdr-scanner → PY2) uhd (→ PY2) uhd-devel (→ uhd → PY2) uhd-firmware (→ uhd → PY2) uhd-tools (→ uhd → PY2) urh (→ uhd → PY2) jsmith asterisk (→ PY2) asterisk-ael (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-alembic (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-alsa (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-calendar (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-corosync (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-curl (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-dahdi (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-devel (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-fax (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-festival (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-hep (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-iax2 (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-ices (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-ldap (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-lua (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-mgcp (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-minivm (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-mobile (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-mwi-external (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-mysql (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-odbc (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-ooh323 (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-oss (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-pjsip (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-portaudio (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-postgresql (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-radius (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-sip (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-skinny (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-snmp (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-sqlite (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-tds (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-unistim (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-voicemail (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-voicemail-imap (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-voicemail-odbc (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-voicemail-plain (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-sounds-core asterisk-sounds-core-* (→ asterisk → PY2) jspaleta gourmet (→ PY2) python-dateutil python2-dateutil (→ PY2) python-httplib2 python2-httplib2 (→ PY2) python-xlib python2-xlib (→ PY2) safekeep safekeep-client (→ safekeep-common → rdiff-backup → PY2) safekeep-common (→ rdiff-backup → PY2) safekeep-server (→ safekeep-common → rdiff-backup → PY2) scipy python2-scipy (→ PY2) jstanley trac-customfieldadmin-plugin (→ PY2) trac-privateticketsplugin (→ PY2) trac-watchlist-plugin (→ PY2) jsynacek python-pycurl python2-pycurl (→ PY2) jujens ccnet (→ PY2) ccnet-devel (→ ccnet → PY2) libsearpc (→ PY2) libsearpc-devel (→ libsearpc → PY2) seafile (→ PY2) seafile-devel (→ seafile → PY2) seafile-client (→ seafile → PY2) junghans votca-csg (→ votca-csg-common → PY2) votca-csg-bash (→ votca-csg → votca-csg-common → PY2) votca-csg-common (→ PY2) votca-csg-doc (→ votca-csg-common → PY2) votca-xtp (→ PY2) votca-xtp-doc (→ votca-csg-common → PY2) jwakely boost boost-mpich-python2 (→ PY2) boost-mpich-python2-devel (→ boost-mpich-python2 → PY2) boost-numpy2 (→ PY2) boost-openmpi-python2 (→ PY2) boost-openmpi-python2-devel (→ boost-openmpi-python2 → PY2) boost-python2 (→ PY2) boost-python2-devel (→ boost-numpy2 → PY2) jwrdegoede magicor (→ PY2) seahorse-adventures (→ PY2) kdudka python-pycurl python2-pycurl (→ PY2) kevin pylibacl (→ PY2) python-decorator python2-decorator (→ PY2) python-httplib2 python2-httplib2 (→ PY2) python-pysocks python2-pysocks (→ PY2) pyxattr python2-pyxattr (→ PY2) rdiff-backup (→ PY2) trac-authopenid-plugin (→ PY2) trac-git-plugin (→ PY2) trac-iniadmin-plugin (→ PY2) trac-mercurial-plugin (→ PY2) kiilerix hgview (→ PY2) hgview-common (→ PY2) hgview-curses (→ PY2) tortoisehg (→ PY2) tortoisehg-nautilus (→ tortoisehg → PY2) kkofler kig (→ PY2) konradm pyifp (→ PY2) kumarpraveen python-mock python2-mock (→ PY2) kushal python-chardet python2-chardet (→ PY2) kwizart python-BeautifulSoup python2-beautifulsoup (→ PY2) kylev python-formencode python2-formencode (→ PY2) python-mako python2-mako (→ PY2) python-simplejson python2-simplejson (→ PY2) landgraf mailman (→ PY2) laxathom python-gammu python2-gammu (→ PY2) lbalhar python-scales python2-scales (→ PY2) lbazan archmage (→ PY2) trac-blackmagictickettweaks-plugin (→ PY2) leigh123linux xed (BuildRequires: python2-gobject-base → PY2) lennart dbus (BuildRequires: python2-gobject → PY2) lfield glue-validator (→ PY2) limb angrydd (→ PY2) archivemail (→ PY2) findthatword (→ PY2) frescobaldi (→ lilypond → PY2) gnome-python2-desktop (→ gnome-python2-canvas → PY2) gnome-python2-gnomekeyring (→ PY2) gnome-python2-libwnck (→ PY2) gnome-python2-rsvg (→ PY2) gonvert (→ PY2) lilypond (→ PY2) monsterz (→ PY2) pybluez (→ PY2) pygame pygame-devel (→ python2-pygame → PY2) python2-pygame (→ PY2) python-dateutil python2-dateutil (→ PY2) python-easygui python2-easygui (→ PY2) python-gattlib python2-gattlib (→ PY2) python2-numpy (→ PY2) python2-numpy-doc (→ python2-numpy → PY2) python2-numpy-f2py (→ PY2) pytz python2-pytz (→ PY2) slimdata (BuildRequires: python2-numpy → PY2) slingshot (→ PY2) trac (→ PY2) trac-git-plugin (→ PY2) trac-iniadmin-plugin (→ PY2) trac-mercurial-plugin (→ PY2) linkdupont freeorion (→ PY2) lkundrak python-scales python2-scales (→ PY2) system-config-rootpassword (→ python2-libuser → PY2) lmacken mod_wsgi python2-mod_wsgi (→ PY2) python-coverage python2-coverage (→ PY2) python-formencode python2-formencode (→ PY2) python-mako python2-mako (→ PY2) python-sqlalchemy python2-sqlalchemy (→ PY2) trac (→ PY2) lotharlutz getmail (→ PY2) louizatakk python-dns python2-dns (→ PY2) lupinix python-iniparse python2-iniparse (→ PY2) python-mistune python2-mistune (→ PY2) luya scribus-generator (→ scribus → PY2) lzap pagekite (→ PY2) python-socksipychain python2-socksipychain (→ PY2) manuq sugar-browse (→ PY2) martinlanghoff olpc-update (→ PY2) pybox2d python2-pybox2d (→ PY2) mathstuf python-atomicwrites python2-atomicwrites (→ PY2) mattrose terminator (→ PY2) mayorga trac-blackmagictickettweaks-plugin (→ PY2) mbaldessari python-atomicwrites python2-atomicwrites (→ PY2) python-dpkt python2-dpkt (→ PY2) python-mutagen python2-mutagen (→ PY2) mbarnes dbus (BuildRequires: python2-gobject → PY2) dbus-python python2-dbus (→ PY2) mbriza lokalize (→ python2-dbus → PY2) mcepl vim-vimoutliner (→ PY2) mck182 telepathy-qt (BuildRequires: python2-dbus → PY2) melmorabity nicotine+ (→ PY2) python-pycryptodomex python2-pycryptodomex (→ PY2) x-tile (→ PY2) mharmsen certmonger (BuildRequires: python2-dbus → PY2) mikeb python-cheetah python2-cheetah (→ PY2) miminar python-pillow python2-pillow (→ PY2) python2-pillow-devel (→ PY2) mitr audit-viewer (→ gnome-python2-gnome → PY2) libuser python2-libuser (→ PY2) python-gtkextra python2-gtkextra (→ PY2) mizdebsk protobuf python2-protobuf (→ PY2) python-lxml python2-lxml (→ PY2) mmahut gnuradio (→ PY2) gnuradio-devel (→ gnuradio → PY2) gnuradio-doc (→ gnuradio → PY2) gnuradio-examples (→ PY2) wxPython python2-wxpython (→ PY2) python2-wxpython-webview (→ PY2) wxPython-devel (→ python2-wxpython → PY2) wxPython-docs (→ python2-wxpython → PY2) moceap scons python2-scons (→ PY2) tuxcut (→ PyQt4 → PY2) moezroy fslint (→ PY2) gnome-python2-desktop (→ gnome-python2-canvas → PY2) gnome-python2-gnomekeyring (→ PY2) gnome-python2-libwnck (→ PY2) gnome-python2-rsvg (→ PY2) python-mutagen python2-mutagen (→ PY2) mrceresa vtk (BuildRequires: python2-sip-devel → PY2) mrunge mod_wsgi python2-mod_wsgi (→ PY2) python-coverage python2-coverage (→ PY2) python-pbr python2-pbr (→ PY2) python-py python2-py (→ PY2) python-simplejson python2-simplejson (→ PY2) python-six python2-six (→ PY2) python2-pluggy (→ PY2) python2-pytest (→ PY2) mruszczyk whipper (→ PY2) mschorm python-mysql python2-mysql (→ PY2) msekleta python-pycurl python2-pycurl (→ PY2) mskalick python-cheetah python2-cheetah (→ PY2) scons python2-scons (→ PY2) mstuchli python-docutils python2-docutils (→ PY2) mtasaka comix (→ PY2) mcomix (→ PY2) python-mecab python2-mecab (→ PY2) skf python2-skf (→ PY2) nacho pygobject3 python2-gobject (→ PY2) python2-gobject-base (→ PY2) python2-gobject-devel (→ python2-gobject → PY2) nalin certmonger (BuildRequires: python2-dbus → PY2) nbecker Cython python2-Cython (→ PY2) git-remote-hg (→ PY2) tortoisehg (→ PY2) tortoisehg-nautilus (→ tortoisehg → PY2) nforro python-m2r python2-m2r (→ PY2) notting offlineimap (→ PY2) nphilipp asciidoc asciidoc-music (→ lilypond → PY2) babel python2-babel (→ PY2) lilv (BuildRequires: python2-numpy → PY2) python-sqlalchemy python2-sqlalchemy (→ PY2) nrhodes configsnap (→ PY2) nsoffer ioprocess python2-ioprocess (→ PY2) python-subprocess32 python2-subprocess32 (→ PY2) oddshocks python-docutils python2-docutils (→ PY2) python-q python2-q (→ PY2) odubaj PyGreSQL python2-pygresql (→ PY2) ogutierrez fleet-commander-client (→ python2-gobject → PY2) ohaessler terminator (→ PY2) okeeble dynafed (→ PY2) dynafed-dmlite-frontend (→ dynafed → PY2) dynafed-dmlite-plugin (→ dynafed → PY2) dynafed-http-plugin (→ dynafed → PY2) dynafed-lfc-plugin (→ dynafed → PY2) dynafed-private-devel (→ dynafed → PY2) dynafed-tpc-gfal2 (→ dynafed → PY2) ooprala git-remote-hg (→ PY2) orion grib_api (BuildRequires: python2-numpy → PY2) openmpi python2-openmpi (→ PY2) python-pycodestyle python2-pycodestyle (→ PY2) python-pypandoc python2-pypandoc (→ PY2) python-pytest-cov python2-pytest-cov (→ PY2) python-setuptools_scm python2-setuptools_scm (→ PY2) python-xlib python2-xlib (→ PY2) scipy python2-scipy (→ PY2) vtk (BuildRequires: python2-sip-devel → PY2) panovotn PyGreSQL python2-pygresql (→ PY2) python-cheetah python2-cheetah (→ PY2) scons python2-scons (→ PY2) parasense uboot-tools (BuildRequires: python2-setuptools → PY2) patches docco (→ python2-pygments → PY2) nodejs-snockets (BuildRequires: docco → python2-pygments → PY2) nodejs-watchit (BuildRequires: docco → python2-pygments → PY2) pbrady fslint (→ PY2) pbrobinson gnome-python2 gnome-python2-canvas (→ PY2) gnome-python2-devel (→ PY2) gnome-python2-gconf (→ PY2) gnome-python2-gnome (→ PY2) gnome-python2-gnomevfs (→ PY2) gwebsockets python2-gwebsockets (→ PY2) hippo-canvas python2-hippo-canvas (→ PY2) olpc-switch-desktop (→ PY2) olpc-update (→ PY2) pybox2d python2-pybox2d (→ PY2) python-elements python2-elements (→ PY2) python-olpcgames python2-olpcgames (→ PY2) python-telepathy python2-telepathy (→ PY2) sugar (→ PY2) sugar-cp-all (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-background (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-backup (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-datetime (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-frame (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-keyboard (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-language (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-modemconfiguration (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-network (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-power (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-updater (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-webaccount (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-abacus (→ PY2) sugar-artwork (BuildRequires: python2-empy → PY2) sugar-base (→ PY2) sugar-browse (→ PY2) sugar-calculator (→ PY2) sugar-chat (→ PY2) sugar-clock (→ PY2) sugar-connect (→ PY2) sugar-datastore (→ PY2) sugar-distance (→ PY2) sugar-finance (→ PY2) sugar-flipsticks (→ PY2) sugar-getiabooks (→ PY2) sugar-imageviewer (→ PY2) sugar-implode (→ PY2) sugar-infoslicer (→ PY2) sugar-jukebox (→ PY2) sugar-labyrinth (→ PY2) sugar-maze (→ PY2) sugar-memorize (→ PY2) sugar-paint (→ PY2) sugar-physics (→ PY2) sugar-pippy (→ PY2) sugar-playgo (→ PY2) sugar-record (→ PY2) sugar-runner (→ PY2) sugar-runner-devel (→ sugar-runner → PY2) sugar-speak (→ PY2) sugar-stopwatch (→ PY2) sugar-terminal (→ PY2) sugar-toolkit-gtk3 (→ PY2) sugar-toolkit-gtk3-devel (→ sugar-toolkit-gtk3 → PY2) sugar-view-slides (→ PY2) sugar-write (→ PY2) sugar-xoirc (→ PY2) sugar-xomail (→ PY2) telepathy-mission-control (BuildRequires: python2-dbus → PY2) uboot-tools (BuildRequires: python2-setuptools → PY2) xapian-bindings python2-xapian (→ PY2) pcahyna git-remote-hg (→ PY2) pcpa miniupnpc python2-miniupnpc (→ PY2) python-pathlib2 python2-pathlib2 (→ PY2) peter b43-openfwwf (BuildRequires: b43-tools → PY2) gflags (BuildRequires: python2-setuptools → PY2) protobuf python2-protobuf (→ PY2) pghmcfc bluefish (→ PY2) bluefish-shared-data (→ PY2) python-crypto python2-crypto (→ PY2) python2-typing (→ PY2) trac-accountmanager-plugin (→ PY2) trac-spamfilter-plugin (→ PY2) pgordon gourmet (→ PY2) phuang dbus-python python2-dbus (→ PY2) pingou python-GeoIP python2-GeoIP (→ PY2) python-hypothesis python2-hypothesis (→ PY2) pjp python-dateutil python2-dateutil (→ PY2) python-oauth2 python2-oauth2 (→ PY2) pkajaba PyGreSQL python2-pygresql (→ PY2) pkfed openmpi python2-openmpi (→ PY2) pkubat PyGreSQL python2-pygresql (→ PY2) plambri sx (→ PY2) poros ddiskit (→ PY2) potty python-xlib python2-xlib (→ PY2) praiskup PyGreSQL python2-pygresql (→ PY2) pspacek python-dns python2-dns (→ PY2) pstodulk git-remote-hg (→ PY2) hg-git (→ PY2) puiterwijk trac-CGit-plugin (→ PY2) trac-authopenid-plugin (→ PY2) trac-sensitivetickets-plugin (→ PY2) trac-xmlrpc-plugin (→ PY2) pviktori python-six python2-six (→ PY2) pwalter b43-tools (→ PY2) miniupnpc python2-miniupnpc (→ PY2) scribus (→ PY2) pwouters python-dns python2-dns (→ PY2) python-pydns python2-pydns (→ PY2) python-pymilter python2-pymilter (→ PY2) qulogic git-cinnabar (→ PY2) ralph python-GeoIP python2-GeoIP (→ PY2) python-decorator python2-decorator (→ PY2) python-formencode python2-formencode (→ PY2) python-funcsigs python2-funcsigs (→ PY2) python-pysocks python2-pysocks (→ PY2) python-q python2-q (→ PY2) python-zmq python2-zmq (→ PY2) python2-zmq-tests (→ PY2) python-zope-event python2-zope-event (→ PY2) raphgro pdf-stapler (→ PY2) python2-staplelib (→ PY2) rcritten certmonger (BuildRequires: python2-dbus → PY2) rdieter PyQt4 (→ PY2) PyQt4-devel (→ python2-sip-devel → PY2) PyQt4-webkit (→ PY2) dbus-python python2-dbus (→ PY2) kig (→ PY2) lokalize (→ python2-dbus → PY2) pyside-tools (→ PY2) python-pyside python-pyside-devel (→ python2-pyside → PY2) python2-pyside (→ PY2) python-qt5 python2-qt5 (→ PY2) python2-qt5-base (→ PY2) python2-qt5-devel (→ python2-sip-devel → PY2) python2-qt5-webkit (→ PY2) qscintilla python2-qscintilla (→ PY2) python2-qscintilla-devel (→ PyQt4-devel → python2-sip-devel → PY2) python2-qscintilla-qt5 (→ PY2) python2-qscintilla-qt5-devel (→ python2-qt5-devel → python2-sip-devel → PY2) shiboken (→ shiboken-python2-libs → PY2) shiboken-python2-devel (→ PY2) shiboken-python2-libs (→ PY2) sip python2-pyqt4-sip (→ PY2) python2-pyqt5-sip (→ PY2) python2-sip-devel (→ PY2) python2-wx-siplib (→ PY2) telepathy-logger-qt (BuildRequires: python2-dbus → PY2) telepathy-qt (BuildRequires: python2-dbus → PY2) reaperzn configsnap (→ PY2) rebus python-olefile python2-olefile (→ PY2) python-oletools python2-oletools (→ PY2) python-volatility python2-volatility (→ PY2) remi glpi (→ macromilter → PY2) php-horde-horde (→ macromilter → PY2) php-horde-imp (→ php-horde-horde → macromilter → PY2) php-horde-ingo (→ php-horde-horde → macromilter → PY2) php-horde-kronolith (→ php-horde-horde → macromilter → PY2) php-horde-mnemo (→ php-horde-horde → macromilter → PY2) php-horde-nag (→ php-horde-horde → macromilter → PY2) php-horde-passwd (→ php-horde-horde → macromilter → PY2) php-horde-turba (→ php-horde-horde → macromilter → PY2) php-horde-wicked (→ php-horde-horde → macromilter → PY2) rhughes dbus (BuildRequires: python2-gobject → PY2) dbus-python python2-dbus (→ PY2) gnome-python2 gnome-python2-canvas (→ PY2) gnome-python2-devel (→ PY2) gnome-python2-gconf (→ PY2) gnome-python2-gnome (→ PY2) gnome-python2-gnomevfs (→ PY2) gnome-python2-desktop (→ gnome-python2-canvas → PY2) gnome-python2-gnomekeyring (→ PY2) gnome-python2-libwnck (→ PY2) gnome-python2-rsvg (→ PY2) ricky getmail (→ PY2) rmattes fawkes fawkes-devenv (→ PyQt4-devel → python2-sip-devel → PY2) gazebo (BuildRequires: python2-pyopengl → PY2) robert macromilter (→ PY2) python-olefile python2-olefile (→ PY2) python-oletools python2-oletools (→ PY2) robled rocket-depot (→ PY2) ron samtools (→ PY2) rrankin denemo (→ lilypond → PY2) rrix python-netifaces python2-netifaces (→ PY2) rstrode dbus (BuildRequires: python2-gobject → PY2) dbus-python python2-dbus (→ PY2) gnome-python2 gnome-python2-canvas (→ PY2) gnome-python2-devel (→ PY2) gnome-python2-gconf (→ PY2) gnome-python2-gnome (→ PY2) gnome-python2-gnomevfs (→ PY2) gnome-python2-desktop (→ gnome-python2-canvas → PY2) gnome-python2-gnomekeyring (→ PY2) gnome-python2-libwnck (→ PY2) gnome-python2-rsvg (→ PY2) rtsisyk tarantool (BuildRequires: python2-pyyaml → PY2) russellb asterisk (→ PY2) asterisk-ael (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-alembic (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-alsa (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-calendar (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-corosync (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-curl (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-dahdi (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-devel (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-fax (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-festival (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-hep (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-iax2 (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-ices (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-ldap (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-lua (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-mgcp (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-minivm (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-mobile (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-mwi-external (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-mysql (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-odbc (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-ooh323 (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-oss (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-pjsip (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-portaudio (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-postgresql (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-radius (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-sip (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-skinny (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-snmp (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-sqlite (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-tds (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-unistim (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-voicemail (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-voicemail-imap (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-voicemail-odbc (→ asterisk → PY2) asterisk-voicemail-plain (→ asterisk → PY2) s4504kr scons python2-scons (→ PY2) sagarun python-urllib3 python2-urllib3 (→ PY2) sagitter avogadro (BuildRequires: python2-sip-devel → PY2) scons python2-scons (→ PY2) seqan2 (BuildRequires: python2-jinja2 → PY2) salimma python-blist python2-blist (→ PY2) python-hypothesis python2-hypothesis (→ PY2) python-scandir python2-scandir (→ PY2) sdgathman python-pymilter python2-pymilter (→ PY2) sdz pybox2d python2-pybox2d (→ PY2) python-elements python2-elements (→ PY2) python-olpcgames python2-olpcgames (→ PY2) python-telepathy python2-telepathy (→ PY2) sugar (→ PY2) sugar-cp-all (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-background (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-backup (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-datetime (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-frame (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-keyboard (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-language (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-modemconfiguration (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-network (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-power (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-updater (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-webaccount (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-artwork (BuildRequires: python2-empy → PY2) sugar-base (→ PY2) sugar-datastore (→ PY2) sugar-imageviewer (→ PY2) sugar-jukebox (→ PY2) sugar-labyrinth (→ PY2) sugar-paint (→ PY2) sugar-physics (→ PY2) sugar-read (→ PY2) sugar-toolkit (→ PY2) sugar-turtleart (→ PY2) sugar-typing-turtle (→ PY2) sugar-visualmatch (→ PY2) telepathy-mission-control (BuildRequires: python2-dbus → PY2) xapian-bindings python2-xapian (→ PY2) sergiomb gdesklets (→ PY2) gflags (BuildRequires: python2-setuptools → PY2) python-GeoIP python2-GeoIP (→ PY2) python-gammu python2-gammu (→ PY2) sergiopr trac-doxygen-plugin (→ PY2) trac-xmlrpc-plugin (→ PY2) sgrubb audit python2-audit (→ PY2) sham1 ledger (BuildRequires: boost-python2-devel → boost-numpy2 → PY2) sharkcz gr-rds (→ PY2) gr-rds-devel (→ gr-rds → PY2) gr-rds-doc (→ gr-rds → PY2) pyparsing python2-pyparsing (→ PY2) scribus (→ PY2) tryton (→ PY2) uboot-tools (BuildRequires: python2-setuptools → PY2) wxPython python2-wxpython (→ PY2) python2-wxpython-webview (→ PY2) wxPython-devel (→ python2-wxpython → PY2) wxPython-docs (→ python2-wxpython → PY2) smani python-olefile python2-olefile (→ PY2) python-pillow python2-pillow (→ PY2) python2-pillow-devel (→ PY2) smilner python-pygments python2-pygments (→ PY2) smizrahi ioprocess python2-ioprocess (→ PY2) snavin sugar-castle (→ PY2) sugar-colordeducto (→ PY2) sugar-deducto (→ PY2) sugar-kuku (→ PY2) sugar-srilanka (→ PY2) sugar-starchart (→ PY2) sugar-story (→ PY2) sugar-xoeditor (→ PY2) sugar-yupana (→ PY2) sochotni asciidoc asciidoc-music (→ lilypond → PY2) spot pyrit (→ PY2) python-coverage python2-coverage (→ PY2) python-oauth2 python2-oauth2 (→ PY2) pyxdg python2-pyxdg (→ PY2) winpdb (BuildRequires: wxPython-devel → python2-wxpython → PY2) ssp dbus (BuildRequires: python2-gobject → PY2) dbus-python python2-dbus (→ PY2) gnome-python2 gnome-python2-canvas (→ PY2) gnome-python2-devel (→ PY2) gnome-python2-gconf (→ PY2) gnome-python2-gnome (→ PY2) gnome-python2-gnomevfs (→ PY2) gnome-python2-desktop (→ gnome-python2-canvas → PY2) gnome-python2-gnomekeyring (→ PY2) gnome-python2-libwnck (→ PY2) gnome-python2-rsvg (→ PY2) stefanok dbus-python python2-dbus (→ PY2) steved NFStest (→ PY2) stevetraylen Cython python2-Cython (→ PY2) glue-validator (→ PY2) python-inotify python2-inotify (→ PY2) python2-inotify-examples (→ PY2) stingray pyserial python2-pyserial (→ PY2) sundaram gif2png web2png (→ PY2) python-oauth2 python2-oauth2 (→ PY2) swt2c bakefile (→ PY2) python-pyopengl python2-pyopengl (→ PY2) wxPython python2-wxpython (→ PY2) python2-wxpython-webview (→ PY2) wxPython-devel (→ python2-wxpython → PY2) wxPython-docs (→ python2-wxpython → PY2) szpak pylibacl (→ PY2) pyxattr python2-pyxattr (→ PY2) talcite qcint (BuildRequires: python2-numpy → PY2) tartina lilv (BuildRequires: python2-numpy → PY2) tdabasin python-zope-event python2-zope-event (→ PY2) terjeros pyparsing python2-pyparsing (→ PY2) python-BeautifulSoup python2-beautifulsoup (→ PY2) python-futures python2-futures (→ PY2) python-inotify python2-inotify (→ PY2) python2-inotify-examples (→ PY2) teuf offlineimap (→ PY2) than PyQt4 (→ PY2) PyQt4-devel (→ python2-sip-devel → PY2) PyQt4-webkit (→ PY2) lokalize (→ python2-dbus → PY2) pyside-tools (→ PY2) python-pyside python-pyside-devel (→ python2-pyside → PY2) python2-pyside (→ PY2) python-qt5 python2-qt5 (→ PY2) python2-qt5-base (→ PY2) python2-qt5-devel (→ python2-sip-devel → PY2) python2-qt5-webkit (→ PY2) shiboken (→ shiboken-python2-libs → PY2) shiboken-python2-devel (→ PY2) shiboken-python2-libs (→ PY2) sip python2-pyqt4-sip (→ PY2) python2-pyqt5-sip (→ PY2) python2-sip-devel (→ PY2) python2-wx-siplib (→ PY2) thl mailnag (→ PY2) thm email2trac (→ PY2) etckeeper etckeeper-bzr (→ PY2) python-jinja2 python2-jinja2 (→ PY2) python-py python2-py (→ PY2) python2-pluggy (→ PY2) python2-pytest (→ PY2) trac-monotone-plugin (→ PY2) trac-tracnav-plugin (→ PY2) viewmtn (→ python2-mod_wsgi → PY2) thofmann fawkes fawkes-devenv (→ PyQt4-devel → python2-sip-devel → PY2) tibbs python2-numpy (→ PY2) python2-numpy-doc (→ python2-numpy → PY2) python2-numpy-f2py (→ PY2) python2-pytest (→ PY2) python2-setuptools (→ PY2) tieugene lumina-desktop (→ fluxbox → PY2) timn fawkes fawkes-devenv (→ PyQt4-devel → python2-sip-devel → PY2) tmz asciidoc asciidoc-music (→ lilypond → PY2) tnorth python-blosc (BuildRequires: python2-numpy → PY2) tomeu sugar-artwork (BuildRequires: python2-empy → PY2) sugar-base (→ PY2) sugar-datastore (→ PY2) sugar-toolkit (→ PY2) tommi pynag (→ PY2) pynag-examples (→ PY2) tomspur python-dateutil python2-dateutil (→ PY2) python-zmq python2-zmq (→ PY2) python2-zmq-tests (→ PY2) scipy python2-scipy (→ PY2) shedskin (→ PY2) toshio python-q python2-q (→ PY2) trasher glpi (→ macromilter → PY2) iipsrv (→ macromilter → PY2) iipsrv-httpd-fcgi (→ iipsrv → macromilter → PY2) tremble graphviz graphviz-python2 (→ PY2) tripledes scribus (→ PY2) ttomecek python-pytest-cov python2-pytest-cov (→ PY2) scipy python2-scipy (→ PY2) ttorling python-mock python2-mock (→ PY2) python-pysocks python2-pysocks (→ PY2) tuju python-utmp python2-utmp (→ PY2) tuxbrewr sugar (→ PY2) sugar-cp-all (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-background (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-backup (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-datetime (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-frame (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-keyboard (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-language (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-modemconfiguration (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-network (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-power (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-updater (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-cp-webaccount (→ sugar → PY2) sugar-calculator (→ PY2) sugar-chat (→ PY2) sugar-clock (→ PY2) sugar-connect (→ PY2) sugar-distance (→ PY2) sugar-finance (→ PY2) sugar-flipsticks (→ PY2) sugar-getiabooks (→ PY2) sugar-imageviewer (→ PY2) sugar-implode (→ PY2) sugar-infoslicer (→ PY2) sugar-log (→ PY2) sugar-maze (→ PY2) sugar-memorize (→ PY2) sugar-pippy (→ PY2) sugar-playgo (→ PY2) sugar-read (→ PY2) sugar-record (→ PY2) sugar-speak (→ PY2) sugar-stopwatch (→ PY2) sugar-terminal (→ PY2) sugar-view-slides (→ PY2) sugar-write (→ PY2) sugar-xoirc (→ PY2) uggla python-colorclass python2-colorclass (→ PY2) uwog abiword python2-abiword (→ PY2) valtri kiss-fft (BuildRequires: python2-numpy → PY2) vascom klavaro (BuildRequires: python2-docutils → PY2) veillard libxml2 python2-libxml2 (→ PY2) verdurin minicomputer (BuildRequires: python2-scons → PY2) mmseq (→ samtools → PY2) samtools (→ PY2) volter qgis (BuildRequires: python2-sip-devel → PY2) vrutkovs python-pytest-runner python2-pytest-runner (→ PY2) walters dbus (BuildRequires: python2-gobject → PY2) gnome-python2-desktop (→ gnome-python2-canvas → PY2) gnome-python2-gnomekeyring (→ PY2) gnome-python2-libwnck (→ PY2) gnome-python2-rsvg (→ PY2) pygobject3 python2-gobject (→ PY2) python2-gobject-base (→ PY2) python2-gobject-devel (→ python2-gobject → PY2) wcohen sediment (→ graphviz-python2 → PY2) wtaymans python-gstreamer1 python2-gstreamer1 (→ PY2) xaeth python-augeas python2-augeas (→ PY2) zbyszek mpich python2-mpich (→ PY2) python-blosc (BuildRequires: python2-numpy → PY2) python-music21 python3-music21 (→ lilypond → PY2) python-pypandoc python2-pypandoc (→ PY2) systemd-coredump-python python2-systemd-coredump (→ PY2)
The code that generates this list is inspectable at: https://github.com/frenzymadness/Fedora_Py2_removal/blob/master/ dependencies.ipynb Miro Hrončok -- IRC: mhroncok
devel-announce mailing list -- devel-announce@lists.fedoraproject.org To unsubscribe send an email to devel-announce-leave@lists.fedoraproject.org Fedora Code of Conduct: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/project/code-of-conduct/ End of devel-announce Digest, Vol 149, Issue 13 *********************************************** -----------------------------------------
participants (1)
Jim Lieb