[chirp_devel] Fw: [chirp_users] Other Yaesus ... ft-90r

Hi Dan, I picked up one of these ft-90r for a decent value, because of it's subcompactness and lack of alot of buttons, programming via pc is almost required.
Is this ft-90r code already stubbed in current chirp dailies? I saw the unfinished work on ft-50 "low level" ? driver, but seemed to be pre-bitwise mapping.
Can share what you have so far, I think I can get it to working state.
I did some work on decoding the channel memory map. I have it figured out. (Thankfully, the rt demo software actually stores the channel memory bytes in the local rdf file same as in the radio.) I was able to setup a test rdf layout, copying the same channel over and over, just changing a single thing per memory.
FT-90R Memory map notes
Segments: Header byte is segment number?, then payload, w/ trailer byte Checksum-8 (sum_of_payload_bytes mod 256) Receiver ACKs each segment with 06
segment numbers/payload notes: seg 00h: 2 bytes, 8f 86, id? seg 01h: 232 (E8h) bytes, radio settings header: global settings, band limits?, vfo, & call/home memories (see channel memory notes below on map) seg 02h: 24 (18h) bytes, ? (last part of radio settings header?) seg 03h: 200 (C8h) bytes, channel memories, 1-10 seg 04h-15h: similar to 03h: remaining 21-180 channel memories
Channel memory notes:
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 12 13 14 (hex offset) 90 0C 40 00 DE C7 40 00 00 EA 60 40 00 4D 45 4D 4F 52 59 31 (sample channel memory)
each channel memory is 20 (14h) bytes, structure as follows: byte offset (hex)/bit range (lsb) 00:[7-6]Mode: 00 = AM, 01 = FM, 10 = auto 00:[5-4]?? - 010 00:[3-0]step (khz): 000 = 5, 001 = 10, 010 = 12.5, 011 = 15, 100 = 20, 101 = 25, 110 = 50 01:[7-6]ARTS: 00 = off, 01 = RX, 10 = TX, 11 = TRX 01:[5-4]?? - 00 01:[3-2]power: 11 = low, 10 = mid2, 01 = mid1, 00 = high 01:[1-0]offset: 00 = simplex, 01 = -, 10 = +, 11 = odd 02:[7]scan skip: 0 = off, 1 = on 02:[6-3]?? - 0000 02:[2-0]tone sql mode: 00 = off, 01 = ENC (ctcss), 10 = ENCDEC (ctcss), 011 = Bell, 100 = DCS 03-06:RX Freq: uint32be, freq in 10s of hz. example 00DEC740h = 146.000 MHz 07-0a:TX offset, or if offset is odd, actual TX freq. See RX Freq format. 0b:[7-6]?? - 00 0b:[5-0]CTCSS tone freq selection: 00h-26h, selection from ctcss table. e.g., 00h = 67.0, 0f = 110.9 0c:[7]packet mode: 0 = 1200, 1 = 9600 0c:[6]?? - 0 0c:[5-0]DCS tone select: from table? 0d-12:Memory name: 7 chars ascii
Any way to get the FT90R or FT50RD included? Hint, hint. :-) I have
the RT software for both, but the FT50 software won't even run on XP (I don't think).
I've spent quite a bit of time with both of these radios trying to write drivers. They are the only two I've ever given up on. I think the interest level is fairly low, and thus deemed it not worth my time to continue (after hours of trying). The FT-50 clone process was never predictable and thus I didn't feel the driver was reliable enough to enable. The code for it is actually still in the tree, so if someone wanted to step up and try to figure out why the radio seems to do something different every time you do a clone, it should be fairly easy after that. The FT-90 memory map seemed to not store the tone value per memory (although of course, it did, since the radio remembers more than one tone). I spent hours trying to figure out what was going on and eventually decided to quit. Again, I have partial code for this, if anyone is interested in taking it on. -- Dan Smith www.danplanet.com KK7DS

Is this ft-90r code already stubbed in current chirp dailies?
I did work on the ft90, but never could figure out where one of the values was stored (tone or DCS code or something) for each memory. It looks like you've got it mapped out, but damn if I couldn't figure out what the deal was while I had the borrowed radio. It was complicated by the insane cloning procedure that just made me frustrated.
If you've got it working, feel free to restore, update, and extend the code that I started (attached). I know it's a popular radio and lots of people would like to see it work :)
It's literally in the state I left it after giving up in frustration, so I can't say what condition it's really in :)
participants (2)
Dan Smith
Jens J.