[chirp_devel] Question about old Yaesu/Vertex models.

I was very busy the end of the year here... fortunately this December is starting soft and will have the second half of vacations and I plan to add the support for two ancient Yaesu/Vertex models...
Yaesu VX-200 and Vertex FTL-1011 (7-6m) & FTL-2011 (2m)
I have already started the development of the VX-200 and I think the FTLs are pretty much the same...
This old rigs has a confusing designation-brand mix, as FT if for generic Yaesu and it reads Vertex and the other way around the VX-200 uses a Vertex designations but reads Yaesu on the back plate... I think Yaesu/Vertex in that time was loosely used...
Since we have a Yaesu and Vextex vendors in Chirp what will be the correct designations of vendors?
My guess:
* VX-200 as a Vertex as it follow the VX designation and is (was) a commercial HT model (we call it here "the Yaesu brick", google som images and you will know why) despite it does says Yaesu and not Vertex, but in the back plate under the belt clip and not in the front. * FTL-1011/2011 as a Vertex despite the fact that it uses the "FT" designator in the name, this mainly because the radio reads in prominent letters "Vertex" in the front...
Any ideas, comments, etc...
73 Pavel CO7WT

My guess:
- VX-200 as a Vertex as it follow the VX designation and is (was) a commercial HT model (we call it here "the Yaesu brick", google som images and you will know why) despite it does says Yaesu and not Vertex, but in the back plate under the belt clip and not in the front.
- FTL-1011/2011 as a Vertex despite the fact that it uses the "FT" designator in the name, this mainly because the radio reads in prominent letters "Vertex" in the front...
I would think it would be confusing to people if it says "Yaesu" on the front, but they have to choose "Vertex" in the menu. I don't think the prefix (FT, VX) makes that much of a difference, but the branding definitely does.
Maybe other people have opinions?
participants (2)
Dan Smith
Pavel Milanes Costa