Thanks for the info on the extra columns - I'll try it.

The "Talk Around" setting (my bad calling it TalkAbout) is on page 37 of the TH9000 manual.    It's a field in the channel memory section (as is the voice compander and Reverse TX/RX settings).  

From the manual:
By Talk Around function, you can directly communicate with other radios in your group in case the repeater is not activated or when you are out of range. The transceiver will transmit by RX frequency with its CTCSS/DCS signalling.   

The bad grammar is directly from the manual. The options are ON and OFF.   It appears to be a feature to set the radio in simplex mode using the RX freq, while continuing to use the TX Signalling coding.  

There is also a "Reverse TX/RX" option (per channel) that reverse the TX/RX frequencies and Signalling. 

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Today's Topics:

   1. Re: How to add a new column field to the memory channel
      display? (IZ3GME Marco)
   2. Re: How to add a new column field to the memory   channel
      display? (Ben Weiss)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: IZ3GME Marco <>
Date: Fri, 16 May 2014 09:26:10 +0200
Subject: Re: [chirp_devel] How to add a new column field to the memory channel display?
we have no way to add field in the "main display" but there's mem.extra.append(xxxxx) which can add additional per memory fields in detail editor.
For usage examples search for mem.extra.append in or

I had a look at th9000 manual, I don't find references to "talkabout", if you are referring to "offset direction" found at manual page 27 column duplex is where you can specify + or -

Hope this help ....

73 de IZ3GME Marco

On 15/05/2014 16:47, David Fannin wrote:
Question: Can/How do you add a new column field in the memory channel
column displays?

I have a couple of per-channel fields that I would like to add as
columns in the memory channel display.

These fields include “compander” (a voice processing option), and
“talkabout” (toggles between repeater and simplex mode.  These fields
are settable per memory channel in the TYT TH9000 radio.

Is there a method to add this?  Something like a add_attrib() method to
memory that would then be picked up by the Column display.



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ben Weiss <>
To: chirp_devel <>
Date: Fri, 16 May 2014 08:45:18 -0500
Subject: Re: [chirp_devel] How to add a new column field to the memory channel display?
I would also add (as I recently came across this myself), that to access these extra settings (defined in mem.extra), you right-click on the memory, and choose "Edit". The extra settings are in there.
Usually Talkabout or Talkaround is accessed with a button on the radio, for those times when it's needed. Otherwise you just program the channel as simplex (0 offset).