14 May
14 May
10:27 a.m.
While searching for "Getting Started with Python" on Google, I stumbled across ActivePython: http://www.activestate.com/activepython/downloads
This looks like a "starter edition" for ActiveState's enterprise products, but this may be a place to get started. I'm going to play with this for a little bit today. If this works, it's a 1-click install to get from nothing to having a working dev environment.
On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 10:00 AM, Dan Smith dsmith@danplanet.com wrote:
Well, it's a lot more work on Windows than Linux, of course, but it's doable. If you would be willing to document the process on the wiki as you go through it, you'll earn major points with me that you can cash in later :P
Tom Wilson wilsontp@gmail.com (619)940-6311 KI6ABZ