PosixPath comes from pathlib:
import pathlib pathlib.PosixPath
<class 'pathlib.PosixPath'>
But I don't think you should be seeing it in this section of code, unless there's some confusion between chirp's platform module and the python one. Not sure how or why you're seeing that though.
Gah, sorry, I forgot @vishwin introduced Path to our platform module here:
I'll need to go dig into that to see if we should be doing something else. Perhaps you're on an older python and importlib_resources behaves differently than my native one in python 3.10. So yeah, let me know which macos you're on and where you got python (and which version) so I can try to narrow it down.
PosixPath can be str()'d to get just a path string, so perhaps that's all we need to do there.