Hello chirp devs,
My name is Darryl and I would like to add support for the Yaesu FT-65.
My background: embedded operating systems including WinMo, Linux, and vxWorks, various RTOS, bare metal firmware, boot loaders, device drivers. Mostly C, C++, and Java. I have a few months of practical experience with Python, but am still a bit of a noob at certain things. No problem following procedural code, objects, inheritance, etc.
The obvious strategy is to copy and edit ft60.py and work it forward.
Thus far I have: 1) cloned the repository 2) copied ft60.py to ft65.py, s/60/65/g, changed up/download help strings. 3) diffed the new file into the chirp installation under /Applications 4) ran app, chose download from radio, chose ft65 from the menu. 5) download hangs (pretty much expected)
ASK: I need some help with a couple of things:
1) Need a serial port sniffer for mac. I have a USB protocol analyzer but due to the single-byte polling used, I get a capture buffer line per byte, which is a lot to wade through. I googled but didn't find anything free for OSX. If there's an open source solution let me know, I have built stuff with brew from time to time.
2) what cmd line fu do I need to launch chirp from terminal? I have PyCharm professional, and like Eclipse, it requires a Debug/Run configuration.