I finally (FINALLY) figured out what my problem was with py3 on macintosh MacOSX. I must have XQuartz running (an X windows application.) Whew!
You shouldn't need (nor be using) XQuartz for this. If you have wxWidgets installed, then it uses native Cocoa widgetry. So, maybe first: how are you installing wx? Can you try one of the .app builds to see if they behave differently for you?
It looks as if the Yaesu FT2D is at least partially working with GUI (I know it works with the CLI options.) Thanks. I’ll be trying it out RSN.
I can use the menus to get to recent files (File -> Open Recent). But I’ve run into a problem when I ask to open a file (File -> Open…) An error message shows up in my console indicating
File "/Users/declan/chirp/chirp/wxui/main.py", line 814, in _menu_open with wx.FileDialog(self, _('Open a file'), TypeError: FileDialog(): argument 3 has unexpected type ‘PosixPath’
and no dialog box ensues.
No such problem here, FWIW. MacOS 12.6.1, python 3.10.8 from brew. Also no problem with the build .app, which bundles 3.8 from Apple themselves.
The code in question is
806 def _menu_open(self, event): 807 formats = [_('Chirp Image Files') + ' (*.img)|*.img', 808 _('All Files') + ' (*.*)|*.*'] 809 for name, pattern, readonly in directory.AUX_FORMATS: 810 formats.insert(1, '%s %s (%s)|%s' % ( 811 name, _('Files'), pattern, pattern)) 812 813 wildcard = '|'.join(formats) 814 with wx.FileDialog(self, _('Open a file'), 815 chirp_platform.get_platform().get_last_dir(), 816 wildcard=wildcard, 817 style=wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST) as fd: 818 if fd.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: 819 return 820 filename = fd.GetPath() 821 d = fd.GetDirectory() 822 chirp_platform.get_platform().set_last_dir(d) 823 CONF.set('last_dir', d, 'state') 824 config._CONFIG.save() 825 self.open_file(str(filename))
I’ve no clue where or how “PosixPath” shows up in here, so I’m supposing there’s something wrong with Python or chirp that I’ve caused to get things running. Has anybody any ideas to fix the File Open dialog on MacOS, please?
PosixPath comes from pathlib:
import pathlib pathlib.PosixPath
<class 'pathlib.PosixPath'>
But I don't think you should be seeing it in this section of code, unless there's some confusion between chirp's platform module and the python one. Not sure how or why you're seeing that though.
Because of the XQuartz requirement, I'm suspecting that maybe you have some very weird combination of things going on.
I think this should really be all you need:
Maybe consider what differs in your environment from that? The build system that generates the .app (which requires no XQuartz) pretty much just does that and then creates the bundle.