Hi Emil!
Yes, we know that there are undocumented cat commands to peek and poke directly in memory but we considered safer to use the clone protocol.
Indeed, and the bonus is that the settings are backed up also. :-)
Well ... using the peek/poke cat command you can access/save/change also the calibration parameter, they are not transferred during clone. Once again, the clone protocol is limited but safer ... but yes in the image you have all your settings backed up :)
In my enthusiasm, I have decided to quickly try the latest daily build to test whether the FT-857 option works with my FT-897D. Things are looking damn good.
That was my hope :)
Using the "ft857" option (not "ft857-us") I cloned from the radio to Chirp. There were no errors and everything looked okay within the application - i.e. the frequencies, tags, offsets, mode, etc). I saved the image and it can be found in the attached zip file as "ft897d.img".
Perfect, thank.
I turned the radio off and on again just to make sure none of the memories disappeared. All looked good. To be on the safe side, I quit Chirp and restarted it. I cloned the saved image back to the radio and there were no errors. I turned the radio off and on again and nothing seemed to have changed from before. For the sake of comparison, I cloned from the radio to Chirp again and saved this image in the attached zip file as "ft897d-reread.img".
I ran both files through diff and it reported that the two files differ although, having a look in a hex editor, I couldn't see where. Maybe I should figure out diff's advanced features or I'm using the wrong tool.
I suggest you to dump the images files with hd and then compare with diff, BTW I love diff -y format, give it a try ... well I suppose you are running linux ...
hd ft897d.img > ft897d.img.dump hd ft897d-reread.img > ft897d-reread.img.dump diff -y ft897d.img.dump ft897d-reread.img.dump | less
Once I get out of bed in the morning, as it's almost 1:30am here, I'll see if there's any difference if I choose "ft857-us" instead from the drop-down list. Please don't hesitate to let me know if there is anything else you'd like me to try.
with the -us version of the driver you should get a clone error in chirp at the end of the "clone tx" process as the -us version send one more packet then the international versions. That supplementar packet is used for the special 60m memories. In any case you can safely try _clone tx from radio_ and see if i'm right ;)
If you have the optional CW filter installed could you please try to create a memory with CW and narrow and see if you see it correctly as "NCW" in chirp?
In general there nothing special to test, simply use it with your 897 and let us know if you find any malfunction.
many thanks for your time
73 de IZ3GME Marco