Hmm. The main code needs a lot more comments.
Hmm. I disagree :)
What is 'required_step' and 'fix_rounded_step' in chirp_common?
If you look at the two, required_step() is clearly returning the step frequency required to hit the supplied frequency. Some radios do not store the entire frequency because the sub-kHz amount can be implied. The fix_rounded_step() attempts to determine that implied value and return the actual frequency.
In the VX2r we are allowed a step size of 9, which is not accounted for in these routines. I have declared it in STEPS in, but this is not used by or passed as a parameter. So chirp barfs on 1.458 MHz, which is an AM station in one of my memories.
Yep, as it will for any of the radios. It's just never been something I cared about, which is bad and lazy. Feel free to fix :)
Whilst I'm at it, the memory name is limited to 6 characters, which is recorded in rf.valid_name_length = 6, but then hard-coded in various other places.
Where is that? I use all 16 characters on my VX8 without any trouble.