   Yes.  I ran it at 9600 baud.  The interface is the serial port on an old desktop PC.
I'll try changing the timing.  That's a good idea even when I'm using the serial emulator I can't send a duplicate message very fast.

On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 3:35 PM, Dan Smith <dsmith@danplanet.com> wrote:
> Clone thread started
> 000: 02 50 6e 4f 47 64 41 4d   .PnOGdAM
> Got:
> 000: 00 fc fe 00 00 00 00 00   ........

What kind of serial port/device are you using? And, I assume the subject
means that your trace of the OEM software indicates 9600 baud?

You are getting back a NUL byte, which is what the OEM shows (although
granted it doesn't show the \xfc\xfe).

The trace shows that it tries the ident string several times in quick
succession, and indeed the radio doesn't reply on the first. You're
trying every 1.25 seconds. Perhaps update the timeout to be very short
and nuke the sleep(1)?

Dan Smith

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