11 Jun
11 Jun
4:21 p.m.
[GT-5R] Fix TX-Inhibit Outside of Legal Limits
The current enforcement only allows TX on the following frequencies. 144.000, 148.000, 420.000 and 450.000 MHz.
This patch corrects the logic to allow TX on frequencies within the 144.000-148.000 MHz and 420.000-450.000 MHz ranges. Frequencies outside of these ranges are set to Duplex = "off" (TX disabled).
Ouch, thanks for fixing this!
if mem.freq not in self.vhftx and mem.freq not in self.uhftx:
if not (mem.freq >= self.vhftx[0] and mem.freq < self.vhftx[1]) and \
not (mem.freq >= self.uhftx[0] and mem.freq < self.uhftx[1]):
I was thinking "if freq not in range(*self.vhftx)" but clearly screwed that up! Your range check is more verbose but more efficient anyway, so...thanks!