Alternate post-processing script:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby ring = "" while line = $stdin.gets if $stdin.eof? or line =~ /^([\w ]+) (\d+ \w+):/ if s = ring.match(/^([\w ]+) (\d+ \w+):\n((?:\h{4}\s+(?:\s?\h{2})+\s+.+\n)+)/) label = s[1] hex = [] ascii = [] body = s[2].split("\n").map {|x| x.split /\s\s+/ }.each {|x,y,z| hex << y; ascii << z } print "%-16s%-64s\t%s\n" % [label, hex.join(" "), ascii.join("")] unless label =~ /^Frame$/ end ring.clear end ring << line end
Example usage: cat output.txt | ./usb232-postprocess.rb
Example output: RS232 Send 50 52 4f 47 52 41 4d PROGRAM RS232 Receive 51 58 06 QX. RS232 Send 02 . RS232 Receive 49 33 33 31 38 55 53 45 04 56 31 30 30 e4 00 06 I3318USE.V100... RS232 Send 52 00 40 10 R.@. RS232 Receive 57 00 40 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 06 W.@.................P. ...visit for full example output.
This will unwind the column output for each label to make it simpler to compare line-by-line. It works with full wireshark text output as long as the usb232.lua was loaded and "Bytes" text export option enabled.
I am using the filtered output with a memory dump where say memory 0 has squelch level 1, memory 1 squelch level 2, memory 2 squelch level 3... to figure out the squelch bits visually.
Any luck trying these methods?
On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 9:41 PM, David Ranch wrote:
Thanks for putting that together Eric. I'll have to give that a try and see if I can start looking at some of these new radios.
--David KI6ZHD