Is anyone else working on this radio?
I expect the lack of response means "no" :)
So far I believe I have worked out the communications protocol: Serial coms are at 19200 baud and the data is passed in variable length records with a checksum.
Record structure: Offset Usage 0 start of record (\x7d) 1 Command (\x80 Identify \x81 End/Reboot \x82 Read \x83 Write) 2 direction (\xff PC-> Radio, \x00 Radio -> PC) 3 length of payload (excluding header/checksum) (n) 4 payload (n bytes) 4+n+1 checksum - byte sum (% 256) of bytes 1 -> 4+n
This is a very common pattern to many of the other chinese radios, which AFAICT, blatantly copied it from kenwood. You should look at some of the other chinese radio drivers to see if there is one you can easily bolt onto. Many of the models we support are implemented as effective aliases of other models. It may be that your radio is strikingly similar to one of the others and that you just need to implement the differences.