Is there a way to remove the Tone, Duplex, and Skip columns and then add a TX Frequency column?
This is driven from the feature flags in the RadioFeatures object you return from get_features(), although Tone and Duplex are very universal, so the UI may not actually hide those columns if you fully don't support them. I'll have a look. CHIRP supports a TX frequency via duplex=split, offset=$tx_freq because it was really designed for typical VHF/UHF ham radios with a duplex/offset sort of arrangement. My recommendation for best compatibility would be that you support simplex and duplex=split. In the former, you internally set tx_freq=freq and if the user selects the latter, then you take tx_freq from the offset field. Users familiar with CHIRP will know that's how they select a TX frequency, and selecting duplex=split will prompt them for such.
rf.valid_tmodes = [] rf.valid_skips = [] rf.valid_duplexes = ['', 'split']
I'll have a look at the UI and will probably need to make it hide the tone column in your case.