Could you please add these two friends of CHIRP to the Wiki Honor
roll page-
Damon Schaefer (K9CQB) and the Loudoun County, VA ARES club -
TYT-UV800D (Graciously donated!)
Bill Peterson (K7WWP) - Icom IC-7300
And I suggest the following wording be changed on the
DevelopersToneModes page-
Under Radio Behavior, Icom/Kenwood style:
No Icom (that I'm aware of) can use the two values for separate TX
and RX tones, nor can most Kenwoods.
So far, only the Icom IC-2730 supports the use of the two values for
separate TX and RX tones, called TON.TSQ mode in the radio menu.
Most Kenwood radios do not.
I can make these changes if you authorize it.
Rick DeWitt
Sequim, Washington, USA 98382
(360) 681-3494