
Do you have a reference North American band plan?  That one is straight from chirp_common.py (hence it has no URL field).  I would be happy to populate it from a more authoritative source.

On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 1:04 PM, Charles J. Hargrove <n2nov@nyc-arecs.org> wrote:
Double check your data.  For example, the North American bandplan for the
70cm band for repeaters should be 440.000 to 445.000 (+5 Mhz) and 445.025
to 450.000 (-5 Mhz).  There are other items in 10m, 6m and others.

Charles J. Hargrove - N2NOV
NYC ARECS/RACES Citywide Radio Officer/Skywarn Coord.

NYC-ARECS/RACES Net Mon. @ 8:30PM 147.360/107.2 PL
http://www.nyc-arecs.org and http://www.nyc-skywarn.org

NYDXA SWL & Scanner Net Wed. @ 9PM 147.360/107.2 PL

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"The more corrupt the state, the more it legislates." - Tacitus

"Molann an obair an fear" - Irish Saying
(The work praises the man.)

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Sean Burford <sburford@google.com>