I like this idea if it can be implemented. Would this then be something that could also be used on Baofeng radios?
The generic tester thing? If so, I think we'd require them to choose between some things to disambiguate. Like, you'd go into the tool and it would say:
here are a list of things I know how to look for:
- Baofeng UV5R Variants - Baofeng UV-5001/5123,WACCOM MINI,Jetstream XXX
and they would choose the one they're trying to do. So, yaesu and icom people wouldn't need to use it because those manufacturers don't do silly things like this.
It's a non-trivial amount of work, but might be the best option here. For now, just having a subclass of your btech driver that does all the probing might be the quickest path out of this particular box.