There seem to be quite a few differently named but identical radios. The original software for these is called BF-480, so I assume this model is also identical, at least from a programming point of view.

I have an H-777 and a BF-888S and they certainly seem the same except for a few minor firmware differences. They can both be programmed by the H777/BF888 code in Chirp.

So, based upon pictures and specs I've found on the internet, here's a list of radios I believe to be the same:

Baofeng    BF-480
Baofeng    BF-666S
Baofeng    BF-777S
Baofeng    BF-888S
BHD    B-828
BHD    B-868
Heng Shun Tong (恒顺通)    H-777
Tianyi    TY-100
Zastone    ZT-V68

