So what do you think about a standardized fm broadcast radio concept in chirp? (not sure about the flashlight :)
Well, I'm not sure what benefit that would really have, and if it would be peer to and distinct from memories and settings, it would mean more laborious UI work for really minimal gain, IMHO. There are also some radios with other values tied to just the frequencies, I think, like "enabled/disabled" flags if I recall correctly. Further, the "good" (by my definition) radios allow you to store those frequencies alongside the regular ones in WFM mode in any channel. Just like AM (and DV, and others) the tone/offset/etc don't mean anything and are disabled, but I think that's fine.
So I guess I'd argue that it would make most sense to expose those channels as "special" memories with everything but frequency marked as immutable, the mode forced to WFM and make the driver refuse to set any frequency not in range/aligned as appropriate. Then they will be exposed and editable using the spreadsheet, copy/paste'able, etc.
Honestly, the drivers that expose the VFO settings as broken out settings should do the same with those (although I still argue there is basically zero benefit to exposing the current VFO state anyway). TBH, I feel pretty much the same about the broadcast channels. I know I'm not the norm, but I think there's a serious cost/benefit equation when it comes to "is it worth exposing this setting in chirp" versus "is this trivial to just set on the radio itself if you care". FM broadcast is just a frequency, no complex settings, tones, etc, so it's hardly even worth having in CHIRP, IMHO.