It looks messy to me. Anyone else have an opinion?
I'm not in favor of doing this. I've maintained drivers for which the menu numbers are in a different order based on the vendor/model of the radio that is being supported. Menu 50 of one vendor may be menu 15 for another.
I have one driver that I am working on now that it is not uncommon for a new firmware of a particular model to insert a new setting which bumps up the number of all of the menus following it. It is hard enough to keep track of which menu settings are being used between vendors, models and firmware versions. It sometimes takes a lot of juggling to make it work. I can't imagine adding menu numbers to the mix.
I can see tickets being opened because the menu numbers don't match, menu numbers are missing (such as the ones for per-channel settings) and/or settings not being in numerical order.
Just my 2 cents.