Hey Dan,

It has been quite reliable thus far and there are automated tests to make sure that no two radios clash in this regard. For radios that have sufficient model information embedded, that information is used instead of file size.
Is that information saved into the saved .img file itself?

Clicking on the Chirp download for the VX5  "Cancel" button won't exit..

Yeah, this is using a feature in python for signaling another thread that seems to no longer work in newer versions.
Hmmm.. bummer.  That's the only real complaint I've heard with Python over the years... it's threading isn't all that hot. 

   Downloads all 400 memories but they all show error -- This used to
work in Chirp 0.1.11
Kenwood TH-F6A

Sorry, are you claiming that the addition of the 857 patch broke all of these radios? I'm not sure how that could have happened.
No, that's not what I meant to say.  What I did mean is that it seems this current tip of tree that I applied the FT857 patches to seems to have broken the support for my other radios.

Kenwood D710
Will try later tonight but I need to backup the radio with Kenwood's
Windows-only tool first as I don't want to loose all my settings

The Kenwood radios are not clone mode, so you don't have to worry about that.
Ok.. fair enough but when I tried with my Kenwood FH-F6A, all the downloaded memories showed the memory text field as "ERROR" and it downloaded all 400 memories as "error"

THF6A supports this
No option for WFM  (broadcast) in the Chirp mode pulldown - Kenwood

You can file a bug on the website for this and I'll comment there on how you can help resolve this (I don't have an F6A to test with).
Ok.. It looks like your moving away from Trac and you are now using Redmine.  I've signed up for an account and I'll file the bug in a bit.

Numeric keypad doesn't seem to work for entering frequencies

Chirp doesn't do anything fancy with keybindings, so I expect you have your numeric pad disabled or configured for mouse movement.

I'll look at that but I think the numeric keypad works everywhere else.

Anyway... I think at this stage, it would be safe to add the FT857 code into the repository though it would be good to hear what Kurt finds with his FT817.
