Yep, I've subscribed to the developers list. I'll keep an eye out for the new build and try it out. I'll let you know how I go and, hopefully, have an image file for you.
At some point, time permitting, I plan on trying out a serial sniffer program between my Icom IC-746 and a Windows machine in order to attempt reverse engineering the way it reads and writes to the radios memory. I can pass on my findings if you're interested.
Sorry I can't be of more assistance but my coding skills are rather rudimentary.
Have fun! Emil - VK3NAF
On 08/02/2012, at 2:41 AM, Dan Smith wrote:
Hi Emil,
I have an FT-897D and would be happy to do some testing should there be a need.
We just pushed the FT-857 support into the tree, and it will be in tomorrow's daily build. Could you attempt to use the 857 driver to download an image from your 897? If it works, it should grab all the data from the radio, but then chirp will complain once completed. However, if you ignore the errors and go to File->Save As, you should be able to save out the memory map as a .img file. If that works, could you send it to us for analysis?
Did you get subscribed to the development list?
-- Dan Smith www.danplanet.com KK7DS