Curious, have you ever spoke to some of the other programming tool people out there such as G4HFQ with his FT programs? http://www.g4hfq.co.uk/mmohelp/mmohelp.htm All of those are very nice but being Windows only, they won't work for me.
For me neither ;)
Experience says that people which sell programs don't really like to share informations that can result in others making similar products ... but I must admit I don't even try with G4HFQ. I have some ideas to discuss with Dan and than may be we can try to ask G4HFQ.
Right.. ok. That's good. What would be SLICK is that, (if ever) that Chirp could download three FT857 radios and save the main binary blobs for the primary radio settings as say radio A, B, C. When programming in back the main memories, ask the user if they want to substitute in the correct radio's main menu settings with those memories. It seems this would be possible considering that Chirp already knows where the memories go w/o disturbing the main radio settings.
Well ... hope Dan will confirm but I suppose that this is far from chirp objective. Really taking care of all radio settings is an enormous work from my point of view. As of today you can already save from ft857 A and copy to ft857 B (I mean whole image not only memories) *but only if* they are the very same sub model otherwise ... radio B will refuse the image and reset to default (you know the story ;) )
I received your dump, as I anticipated there is simply a packet more than program expect. A two second patch should solve the concrete problem but the real problem is how we can distinguish between my ft857 sub model and your one. Did you bought it as a simple/old 857 or a 857/d or what else? The only interesting info I see on the label is that your one is "FCC approved" while mine is "CE".
Thanks for your time
73 de IZ3GME Marco