The CHIRP-next has a menu item allowing to show the debug log. It seems to be in a private /tmp location with a name starting “chirp_debug"

When I run “./” from my development copy of CHIRP (with developer mode turned on) … NOW where can I find the debug log? If I knew its name, I suppose I could run find(1) to get it. If it needs to be named in some parameter so I can access it, what’s the parameter? Does it require a redirect from stderr?

I have been using developer mode simply to browse the state of my data. That’s pretty useful. I see there’s also an option to “interact with the driver”, which gives me a python “>>>” prompt with an introduction:
WARNING: Going to interact with radio at the console
Locals are: main, radio

What are interesting things one can do with the driver interaction? Can one set breakpoints? Modify code on-the-fly? Inspect or change program state other than the data seen by the browser?
I am just barely aware enough to ask python for "dir(radio)” and for individual items in my driver… what next?

Thanks for any direction or suggestions.
Declan Rieb WD5EQY