I'm seeing some differences in how the Edit Memory dialog is displayed on different platforms. Since I'm not in a position to isolate the source, I thought perhaps others could chime in with what they see.
On MacOS / Python 3.7.0 / wxPython 4.2.0, the dialog looks good.
On Xubuntu 18.04 / Python 3.7.5 / wxPython 4.1.1, the left column is not wide enough for the labels, and the dialog is too _short_, so that it needs to be scrolled to see the last few entries. (The dialog is not resizable, but it shouldn't need to be.)
On Linux Mint 20.04 / Python 3.8.10 / wxPython 4.2.0, the left column is not wide enough for the labels (as with Xubuntu, above), and the dialog is too _tall_, with quite a bit of whitespace below the entries.
The issue with the label column being too narrow seems like FitColumns just not working on Linux. The height issue could be a difference between wxPython versions - or something else.
Any other data points, or perhaps thoughts on how to fix the rendering?
Can you tell me the git hash of what you're testing? I just made some changes to this yesterday (and broke something in the process, the fix for which is in the queue).
Also, can you show screenshots? It sounds like the two linuxes are opposite of each other, which I wouldn't expect to be the case, but pictures might help.