Driver and image for FT-7100 in the attachment.
Thank you very much for your support.
A few remarks:
-- tox -- Passes test with attached image.
Does not pass if image is opened in chirp and saved again. It seems that the saving process adds some MAGIC in chirp_common.py#save_mmap. tox Error message: TestFailedError: <class 'chirp.drivers.ft7100.FT7100RadioUHF'> detected as <class 'chirp.directory.DynamicRadioAlias'>
Puxing_PX-777.img has to be removed from chirp.hg/tests/images: ##### ERROR: tests (unittest.loader.LoadTestsFailure) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TestCrashError: ord() expected a character, but string of length 0 found #####
-- tests/run_tests.py -- Recursive call of run_rclass_image() in tests/run_tests.py#1156 Test passes when rf.has_sub_devices = False
Best regards,