I've just pulled, and re-tested. Whatever you changed yesterday has made both Linuxes the same now, which is good. The column sizing issue is fixed, and that was the bigger issue. The dialog is too tall in both cases now, though that's better than too short, IMHO.
Excellent, glad to hear it. I'm not exactly sure what to do with the too tall issue. Perhaps I should set a shorter min height and let the dialog scrunch itself to fit. If you want to test some options I can post some stuff. There were several dialogs in the legacy UI that were too small and scrunched to look right, which I always hated, and which GTK made kinda difficult. Most of the stuff I have in the new UI looks a lot better I think, but I agree this one being square is kinda weird.
The change yesterday moved FitColumns to after the initial render so that GTK had a chance to measure the minimum necessary width before fitting. On macos, Cocoa seems to always know the size of things right away, and GTK never does. Windows usually does, but not always.
Screenshots from both Linuxes below.
Excellent, thanks, these match what I'm seeing (post yesterday's fixes) on both of the linuxes I'm testing on.