26 May
26 May
2:50 p.m.
On Sat, 26 May 2012 20:33:43 +0200, Marco IZ3GME wrote:
Please check the freq range as I copy it from documentation but ...
I assume you mean this:
rf.valid_bands = [(136000000, 175000000), (370000000, 513000000)]
On my KG-UV6X in VFO mode the band limits seem to be [136,175), [375,512) where square bracket indicates inclusive, parenthesis exclusive (i.e. I can manually enter 136.000 and 174.9975, but not 175.000).
As a fun fact, those ranges do not match any of the ones listed under Technical Specification, p.59 of my KG-UV6X User's Manual :-).
Ed Santiago Toolsmith ...@edsantiago.com