The "Leixen_VV-898.img" in the repository has no data from 0x0000 to 0x0d00 (except for 0x0900 to 0x0906 which is the Custom Display message). The current driver intentionally skips over this area. This area is where all of the settings are. From 0x0D00 to 0x2000 are only channels and names.
The failure is because I am changing the match_model to look at a different area to detect the data file. The current place is editable by the OEM software and once the user changes it, CHIRP no longer detects the image and it had to be manually selected. The current driver fills almost all of the data from 0x0000 to 0x0D00 with 0xFF as it is skipped. The data that should be there for my patch to detect isn't there and it won't be until my first patch is approved.
Okay, I just don't want to abandon users that currently have images that work, which won't after this change. However, if the current method for detection is prone to failure after changing a string, then those were likely to break at some point anyway.