- "->Tone": ("R-TONE", None),
I had a question about this in the previous patch.
- "Tone->Tone": ("TSQL", None)
- }
These are two mappings from the CHIRP definitions to the Yaesu definitions. Yaesu uses "TSQL" to mean "send and receive ctcss tones, and the toned do jot need to be identical. thus we must map to "Yaesu TSQL" on both cases. I chose to use the name "TSQL" for to this Yaseu value because it's in the Yasu documentation and it's what you see on the radio's screen. I could have renamed it in the ptyhon code, but the other drivers seem to adhere to the manufacturer's documentation.
Sinmilarly, Yaesu "R-TONE" is the name for "don't send a tone, but do receive a tone." The Yaseu name for reverse polarity tone squelch is "REV TN".
Okay, to my skimming eyes, it looked like equating Tone->Tone with TSQL (chirp's definition) which is not right.
The code has substantially different requirements for the two tables, so Idon't think that there is a single table that is both comprehensible and has simple lookups for both directions. a simplified table will complicate the code. I'll give this another try today.
FWIW, I don't think that it's particularly comprehensible today, but more importantly, it's really hard to look at them and tell if they're doing the same (but inverted) translation.
Maybe I should stew on it a little more and look deeper into how you're using these.