Hi all,
Back around the middle of the year, I started work on adding support for the Ritron RTX-450 radios. Due to a (forced) job change, though, it has been some time since I've continued - coding and devices is not near my current line of work. I do intend to see it through, though, and am starting to finally get some time freed up.
I was poking around the site today, and noticed a bug filed for the DTX-150 and DTX-450. These are basically the radio (as opposed to audio, there are 2 boards that connect together) portion of the RTX line. I actually used documentation from the DTX series in my work on the RTX. Is there some sort of procedure for accepting a bug? I'd be happy to assign them to myself, and create one for the RTX as well.
One thing that is in my line of work, though, is documentation. Would some more documentation be welcomed? The API calls, their parameters and returns and such?