Hi Vinny,
Thanks very much for doing this!
> # HG changeset patch
> # User Vinny Stipo <v@xpctech.com>
> # Date 1543738069 28800
> # Sun Dec 02 00:07:49 2018 -0800
> # Node ID 4bddc1caa07f1389711bf6ddf1b0a75f74c80c2f
> # Parent c6cab71d7d7d76b63367f5529a1b2ea075a8db1b
> [FT818] New Model Support Yaesu FT-818 #5607
> diff --git a/chirp/drivers/ft818.py b/chirp/drivers/ft818.py
> new file mode 100755
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/chirp/drivers/ft818.py
I'm a little concerned about making this a whole new module as it looks like the result differs from the 817 module by a very small percentage:
$ diff -u chirp/drivers/ft817.py chirp/drivers/ft818.py | diffstat
ft818.py | 211 +++++++++++++++------------------------------------------------
1 file changed, 51 insertions(+), 160 deletions(-)
$ wc -l chirp/drivers/ft817.py
1207 chirp/drivers/ft817.py
Ignoring the 817ND driver that it removes from the bottom, it looks to me like there are only about 60 lines different out of 1200 between the 817 and 818, or about 5%. I think it would be better to make the 818 inherit from the 817, like the 857/897 driver does. If you need to refactor the 817 driver a little to make that work, it should be possible.
What do you think?
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