I see two other devs have worked on the FT-65, somewhat recently. The first one posted code, so I'll have a look at that. The other fellow claims to have doxed the layout, but doesn't want to mess with coding it Meanwhile does anybody else have any thing to share on the FT-65?
http://intrepid.danplanet.com/pipermail/chirp_devel/2018-March/004986.html http://intrepid.danplanet.com/pipermail/chirp_devel/2017-June/004689.html
On Wed, Sep 12, 2018 at 9:35 PM, emb sys dev embsysdev@gmail.com wrote:
Hello chirp devs,
My name is Darryl and I would like to add support for the Yaesu FT-65.
My background: embedded operating systems including WinMo, Linux, and vxWorks, various RTOS, bare metal firmware, boot loaders, device drivers. Mostly C, C++, and Java. I have a few months of practical experience with Python, but am still a bit of a noob at certain things. No problem following procedural code, objects, inheritance, etc.
The obvious strategy is to copy and edit ft60.py and work it forward.
Thus far I have:
- cloned the repository
- copied ft60.py to ft65.py, s/60/65/g, changed up/download help strings.
- diffed the new file into the chirp installation under /Applications
- ran app, chose download from radio, chose ft65 from the menu.
- download hangs (pretty much expected)
ASK: I need some help with a couple of things:
- Need a serial port sniffer for mac. I have a USB protocol analyzer
but due to the single-byte polling used, I get a capture buffer line per byte, which is a lot to wade through. I googled but didn't find anything free for OSX. If there's an open source solution let me know, I have built stuff with brew from time to time.
- what cmd line fu do I need to launch chirp from terminal? I have
PyCharm professional, and like Eclipse, it requires a Debug/Run configuration.