Thanks for the feedback, Martin, but I was asked to create a
CLONE MODE equivalent, like I have for the Kenwood
TS-480 and 590. My local club members detest having to use a live
mode CHIRP driver. As you know, you have to wait for ALL memory
channels to update after you make any change to anything. And they
do not support any settings configurations. The only data you can
save for live mode radios is what the CSV export supports.
This driver uses CAT commands and builds a dummy image file that
contains the memory channels and settings. So you can save and
reload a complete configuration very quickly.
I'm gonna start a protest movement... ALMR, "Anti-Live Mode Radios".
Now I need a slogan and some tee-shirts.
Rick DeWitt
Sequim, Washington, USA 98382
(360) 681-3494
On 10/17/2020 10:12 AM, Martin Cooper
Hi Rick,
You are doing
far too much work here. The IC-7300 is not a clone mode radio,
it's a live mode radio. As Dan mentioned, you should be
extending the same base class as other Icom live mode radios,
in Looking at the IC-7300 Full Manual, I see that
the IC-7300 behaves in exactly the same way as the Icom live
mode radios that are already supported. Thus you'll only need
to add a few definitions to in order to have
IC-7300 support.
through the existing IC-7200 code should help you to
understand what needs to be done. Since I'm the one most
recently in that module, adding IC-910H, I'd be happy to help
if you have questions about how the code works. It
took me a while to figure it out, but it's actually quite
CLONE MODE version of the ic7300 driver. The IC-7300 does not
respond to the icf clone mode code.
I removed my debug test code and changed the BAUD parameter to
a radio
This driver uses CAT commands to build an equivalent clone
mode img
file. The operators I know HATE using live mode when their
radios have
more than 10 memory channels.
The special encode and decode methods are required because
this radio
sends frequency data as strings of reverse HEX values, not
lbcd, but
lhcd, if such a thing exists.
Rick DeWitt
Sequim, Washington, USA 98382
(360) 681-3494
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