Bringing up the py3 branch to have a look at where the UI is, one of the first things I tried was File -> New. This immediately died. It seems that the recently added code for maintaining a recently-opened list relies on a function that was present in old versions of wxPython (e.g. 2.8.x) but has been supplanted by a more flexible set of functions in the latest version (i.e. Phoenix).
This raises the question of what the target version of wxPython is intended to be. There is a comment in the recently added developer module related to Phoenix, so I'd assume that it's intended to work under Phoenix. The question is whether that's what we should be working with, or if support for an older version is also required.
The particular issue I encountered is easily fixed for and later, but I think it would be worth putting a stake in the ground in specifying a minimum version of wxPython as a target, so that people know what they should develop with.
Yeah, I dunno. When I was working with it I was kinda flipping back and forth, as there were several things that weren't working (known broken) in Phoenix, IIRC, and definitely some incorrect documentation which made it hard to determine what was supposed to work.
If Phoenix is what makes sense to target, then we should do that, but at the time it seemed like it might be possible to be reasonably compatible with both with some care.
Anyway, as long as the version we target is available in current distros and isn't too unstable (as Phoenix seemed to be at the time), I'm fine with it.