I’m back from vacation and trying the FT2D again. I’m stuck on the memory label field. When read from the FT2D using the FT-1D format, the label comes out gibberish. Most other memory fields jibe quite nicely.
I’ve tried reading the source, but got lost in pythonese (translates and rshift and object details I just don’t know yet.)

when I look at the raw memory image coming from the FT2D, the memory labels (and the memory bank names) are in straight ASCII. (I too have not tried anything in Japanese format.)
But when I get that image into chirp using FT-1D template, the labels come out as mostly-unprintable characters. It looks to me as if translation or decrypting of some sort is happening.

Here’s an example [from my memory 0]
memory image shows ‘APRS US‘, with the standard 0xFF packing
00002d40  00 13 14 43 90 c0 00 00  41 50 52 53 20 55 53 ff  |...C....APRS US.|
00002d50  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff  00 06 00 0c 00 0d 00 18  |................|

chirp shows ‘:’
BUT, the chirp browser shows the correct ASCII, presumably in python's Unicode string.
0041 0050 0052 0053 0020 0055 0053 x x x x x x x x x

Bank names are also gibberish, although the chirp browser seems to show them to be stored as ASCII bytes rather than python strings, although with the same 0xFF packing.

What happened between chirp browser and chirp? It’d seem to be straightforward to get the ASCII printed! Help please.

Declan Rieb, WD5EQY